Opinions of Thursday, 15 September 2011

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumawuman remembers her heroes and heroines.

The greatest historical hero in the annals of Kumawuman is that brave warrior who fought and conquered many townships. He annexed the entire expansive lands that he conquered to Kumawuman. He out of volition also offered himself as a sacrificial lamb. Okomfo Anokye and the assembled chiefs slaughtered him to save the then Ashanti nation when it had become obligatory on Asanteman to sacrifice a chief to help towards winning their wars. He is Barima Tweneboa Koduah I, whose matrilineal descendants are the current poverty-stricken Ananangya royal family. There is none as great, fearless, dedicated, dynamic, and farsighted and a conqueror in the history of Kumawuman as Barima Tweneboa Koduah I.

Now, we have up and coming heroes and heroines in their own little right. Kumawuman citizens will recall that I have published an appeal for fund article on Ghanaweb and Modernghana.com not long ago. The appeal is for raising funds to institute a legal action that will prevent Kumawu Kontrihene from inflicting any further daylight robbery on Kumawuman. The good but timid Kumawuman citizens, can allow him escape punishment for all the financial and economic havocs he has wreaked on Kumawuman but needs to prevent him from committing further atrocities to the people.

Those that have their names written in my present day "Book of Kumawuman Heroes" are "Supper", Elizabeth Forson and one woman in Canada who for some personal reasons has requested her name is withheld. "Supper" who is resident in Germany has contributed GHC100; Elizabeth Forson is resident in Switzerland and is acclaimed to be an authority on Kumawuman history same as her late father, Opayin Yaw Forson. She has contributed GHC197. That sister in Canada has sent GHC50 home in response to the appeal. I, John Fosu, a total stranger but a lover of Kumawuman have contributed GHC400. I will pay more but I expect Kumawuman citizens to stand up tall to be counted in this struggle to stopping Kumawu Kontrihene from ravaging Kumawuman any further. May the mentioned heroes and heroines be proud of themselves onto death? Yes! Whenever and wherever the war waged to rid Kumawuman of the corruption perpetuated by the current Kontrihene and Kumawuhemaa is mentioned, may the named persons feel proud.

In the same vein as I remember and praise the mentioned persons, I will also castigate one Ananangya royal for conniving with Kumawuhemaa to cause intentional delay in resolving the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. He is one Kwaku (surname withheld) who lives here in the US. Stupid as he is, he has remortgaged his house to raise a loan out of which he has given about $20,000 to Kumawuhemaa. He intends to influence Kumawuhemaa to appoint him as the successor to the late paramount chief of Kumawuman, Barima Asumadu Sakyi II. Unfortunately, he has become the victim of his own evil plans. He has fallen behind the payment of his mortgage on the house hence; his bankers have repossessed the house. I do not gloat over the misfortunes of others but we have to treat this man with all the scorn he needs for his wickedness, stupidity and sheer opportunism. "Straight talk never broke friendships" so let me tell this Ananangya royal how silly he has been. It serves him squarely right!

Some enemies of the progressives may start hating the named heroes. If it does happen, console your souls with, "No good deed, as a wise man said, goes unpunished" There are other heroes whose names will be mentioned once the Kumawuman chieftaincy issue has been completely resolved. Theirs are quite unrelated to my appeal for fund. They are the super "big fish" as my Nigerian work colleague, James Idowu would say.

John Fosu