Opinions of Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumawuman to Embark on Positive Actions

to Resolving their Chieftaincy Impasse

Until when will the citizens of Kumawuman the world over continue to renege on their duties to Kumawuman through deep slumbering and throaty snoring? I am permanently left to cogitate on how possible the once audacious and wise Kumawuman citizens have turned cowards, weaklings, and sorry to say, unintelligent? Why have they allowed some insatiably greedy, selfish and myopic individuals in the persons of the current Kumawuhemaa and the Krontihene to hold them to ransom?

I have been on the ground, assiduously conducting investigations into the rampageous thievery ravaged upon Kumawuman by the queen and her first lieutenant-in-crime, the Kontrihene. She has vowed to sell every Kumawuman property even if it was a table, to take Kumawu Aduanahene alias "Joe the Great" on in court to ensure her ineligible Ankaase royals ever remain the overlords of Kumawuman.

It is not long ago that Kumawuhemaa and Kontrihene tried to sell 450,000 hectares of Kumawuman farmlands to some Whites. Some progressive sub-chiefs did challenge her as revealed in one of my publications on the subject. What happened next? Agogohene, Nana Akuoko Sarpong, prior to his current incapacitation through ill health, sold almost half of same land to some Whites. When the purchasers of the land realised the land is rather part of the Kumawu stool lands, they arranged to have Kumawuhemaa and Kontrihene as ultimate signatories to the deal. Kumawuhemaa and the Kontrihene were invited over to Agogo in the hope of being persuaded to append their signatures to the deal, according as found by my thorough investigations conducted into the issue. They refused and rushed back to Kumawu. The intended purchasers soon followed them within days. The purchasers greased the palms of Kumawuhemaa, Kontrihene and others by simply parting with GHC 1,000 to each of them. Once bribed, all that Kumawuhemaa and the Kontrihene could do was to advise the purchasers to change the title deed from Agogo to Kumawu. Whether the sale remains in the name of Agogo or Kumawu, the land is gone and Agogohene is the sole beneficiary.

Kwamanghene is felling all the timber on Kumawuman soil with alacrity. He wants to maximise his profit intake as much as he can with the chieftaincy vacuum created through the intransigence, stupidity, greediness, selfishness and shortsightedness of Kumawuhemaa. He is as well selling tracts of Kumawuman farmland to pocket the money. Kwamanghene and Agogohene are voraciously scrambling for Kumawuman lands as though tomorrow never come. My heart goes out to the poor Kumawuman masses that have no platform or voice to air out their views and concerns owing to poverty and the fear of reprisal.

There is an action plan to stop Kumawuhemaa and Kontrihene from wreaking further devastations on Kumawuman. The actions will stop them in their evil tracks at all cost. I am appealing for funds on behalf of all well-meaning Kumawuman citizens to enable the progressives institute court actions against especially, the Kumawu Kontrihene, the initiator of all the ongoing ruinous crimes against Kumawuman. Every little helps. Send all your little financial contributions to your close relations in Kumawu. Then direct them to take it to Kumawu Aduanahene who in turn will issue them with a signed note indicating how much he has received and from who. Aduanahene will be held accountable should there be any discrepancies hence taking all steps to ensure transparency. This request is urgent as we intend to resolve the chieftaincy impasse as quickly as we can. Initial total contribution of $1000 will do. I will contribute towards this because of the love and concern I have for the suffering Kumawuman people.

Asantehene is the remote cause of all the problems facing Kumawuman. His dithering has not been helpful but rather aggravated the situation. I am inclined to believe the misfortune of Kumawuman is a blessing to him somehow. With the passage of time, the truth will be uncovered and when it does, I will lash at him mercilessly, believe you me. I have no patience for corrupt practices. I detest people who unnecessarily and dubiously tax the patience of others. Is Asantehene by his actions not underestimating the intelligence of Kumawuman citizens?

Stay tuned for more breaking news and actions. I have talked the talk and I will be walking the walk. Enough is enough. This liberation war on the great great granddaughter of "Ayo" will soon be over. She will surely succumb to the impending uproar. All the Ananangya and the Odumase family members must help with this request for financial assistance. There is no time to waste. The money must be ready within days!

John Fosu