Opinions of Monday, 26 October 2009

Columnist: Agbozo, Enoch Immanuel A.

Kwame Nkrumah, Hero Or Villain

Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

We write as an apostle-prophet of Jesus Christ and the Father to the Church and nations of the world, as a citizen student of the politics of Ghana and as a servant of God engaged in spiritual battles for the reconciliation, deliverance, redemption, restoration and establishment of Ghana in the Divine ordained order and glory of God Kingdom on earth.

I humbly plead with all Christians and all the God-loving patriots and friends of Ghana to read this article with patience, understanding and holy desire for the good of our country, and before God the Creator, Father of Jesus Christ.

First, let us state with all humility that the views we express here are on the whole underpinned by the VOICE of GOD concerning Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana and Africa, and the destiny of nations and the human race as a whole. May all prophets and spiritual people affirm the veracity of the Divine views. (1st Cor. 14: 37)

Now, let us state categorically at the beginning that, Kwame Nkrumah was a chosen and blessed vessel of hope of God for Ghana and Africa. He had a great and blessed beginning among many in the hand of God. But he sold his birthright for a pittance of human ambition, human acclaim and human glory at the altar of Satan-man alliance. He turned over to the rejection of God and the establishment of chosen Ghana in the earthly kingdom order of rebellion, disobedience and defiance of God and His Kingdom order on earth. He spoke of political kingdom for Ghana but not according to Christ’s vision of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness on earth.

He was rejected by God the Creator for his unholy act and betrayal of God’s trust and God’s ordained glory for chosen and blessed Ghana. Nkrumah fell from glory before God and man early 1965 long before the February 1966 coup. And with him fell also the Ghana that he was actively engaged in building.

The country has since been delivered, redeemed and established once again on the Divine path and glory of God Kingdom order on earth. Ghana, which fell in glory and became a reproach has risen once more as standard bearer and star, redeemed nation and people of Africa. A new leader, the David after Saul for Ghana is awaited to help build and establish the country in the Divine heavenly ordained order and glory in Africa and the world.

The truth of the matter in this regard is that THOUGH GHANA as Nation and People has risen again, there is no RESURRECTION for Kwame Nkrumah. Ghana lives on and will live on but not Kwame Nkrumah.

The second lesson here is that whatever the ideas, works, institutions and all that emanated from Nkrumah and his lieutenants, they were not sufficient to bring Ghana to the promised glory land. In any case, Nkrumah has no spirit power of permanence to keep his works afloat and abiding outside the will, order and purposes of God for the country. For “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain”. (Ps 127:1 NKJ)

That is to say, unless the Lord God Jehovah, the God of Ghana affirms and blesses Nkrumah’s ideas and works and glory, they stand no chance of permanence and glory. In any case, Kwame Nkrumah has no spirit power to hold and supervise his works unto eternity. In other words, Kwame Nkrumah does not live and cannot be expected to live to hold his works standing forever. Only God, His word and works abide for ever. By God’s grace, deliverance and redemptive works, we now have A NEW GHANA, of a new people, majority of which is of Christ’s heritage and Kingdom.

Thus, to suggest that Nkrumah never dies is to attempt to perpetuate the Nkrumah sin against God and Ghana. It may well be said by the admirers of Nkrumah and human philosophies and wisdom in general that Nkrumah was and still is a hero. But to God and His faithful people and also to the victims of Nkrumah’s rejection and betrayal of God and country, Kwame Nkrumah is a villain.

May we end by stating that in the battles for the deliverance of country from the Satan-man covenants concerning the country, we have had to fight and deliver the country from what the Lord God Jehovah described as “THE ACCURSED THING”. The main venue for that particular battle is Nkroful and Axim. In the meanwhile and by the workings of God, we have also had the privilege of meeting Kwame Nkrumah in the spirit on more than one occasion after his death. Of this more anon!

To sum up, God opened a mighty door for Nkrumah. The sad truth is that he rejected God, His counsel, His way and kingdom order on earth. He opted for atheistic-humanist-socialist philosophies and Satan-man power system to establish the Nkrumaist (messianic) kingdom order in Africa instead of the heavenly ordained Christ (Messianic) Kingdom order for Ghana and Africa, and the world.

He and his model Ghana of Nkrumaist socialist kingdom order have been weighed, found wanting and forever rejected. It will be a curse for Ghana to seek to raise the accursed thing and attempt as it were to set in place the Nkrumah “messianic” kingdom order in Ghana of to-day.

From the Divine perspective therefore, Kwame Nkrumah is not the founder and father of Ghana, and even more so of the NEW GHANA, Beulah Land of to-day. Christ Jesus is the Saviour, Redeemer and King of Glory of the New Ghana. No Spirit nor power can change this. Amen!!

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. (2nd Cor. 10: 3-5)

October 14, 2009 immanuelenoch@yahoo.com
