Opinions of Sunday, 9 December 2007

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Kyeremateng A Man With The Voice Of Reason

The essence of Kyeremantan’s voice of reason is his ability to identify the nation’s economic needs to improve the unemployment situation while creating huge revenues for the entire nation and its citizens through his vision of economic reasoning. Alan believes tourism is one of the major answers to our nation’s economic and social dilemma. Alan, the man from Central Region, has ambition to improve the historical places in Elmina, Cape Cost, Saltpong, Kintampo water falls and other tourist areas around the country with new improvements in such places that will create a more vibrant tourism industry for the nation.

As the man with a voice of reason Alan has realized that to increase the nation’s income receipts which is the difference between the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Products (GNP), we should not only rely on our national export of commodities such as Cocoa, Timber, Gold, Diamonds and but also on agricultural products to earn the nation’s national income to balance our current account system. The nation has been doing this for many years past. The world economy has changed from the old ways of doing business. We now have a global economy. As a result of that we as a nation need to build a stronger tourism industry in order to diversify our local economy. This will increase the nation’s foreign exchange earnings through the spot markets in tourism industry.

Alan, the man with the voice of reason will focus his administration on the local government Ministry and the Ministry of tourism and Diaspora that will turn the nation’s economy around. These sectors alone can provide millions of service jobs for the entire nation and billions in revenues for our nation; that could also solve our infrastructure dilemma and the image of our nation. For example, a country like Barbados in South America, which has no historical places like Ghana, has been able to build a strong tourism based industry for years as their nation’s main source of income. According to their economic data last year the revenues from the tourism industry were over 11.7 billion dollars. This is one of the areas where Alan will focus his administration that will lift the spirit of Ghanaians both home and abroad, by also building the best Airline industry the nation has ever seen before. Ladies and Gentlemen, Alan Kyerematen, the man with voice of reason believes that in order for our nation to build a better, stronger tourism base we need to build a stronger airline industry for current and future generations. This will make life easier for tourists who will patronize Ghana to visit these historical places, and also reduce the current higher airline prices for all Ghanaians and tourists. Since Alan has been talking about his economic policy and the nation’s needs this has demonstrated his vision to achieve these goals. When Alan talks about poverty, which is his personal passion it means improving the life of Ghanaians unemployed and the middle class to succeed is his ultimate goal. Alan has emerged as a fighter with his positive message to resolve poverty through his job creation with the tourism industry. Ending poverty in the country will be Alan Kyeremateng’s central theme in the 2007 and 2008 campaign with his signature Job Creation “Ajoma Wura”. His ability to find these areas that are imperative to our national economic improvement signifies his in-depth commitment to improving the nation’s economy on tourism. Alan believes that telling people to have hope alone won’t do it, but that there is war that must to be waged to create jobs and help the underclass in obscure places to become economically self sufficient. Alan is the most reliable person that we all could elect as the NPP presidential candidate on December 22nd 2007.

Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)
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