Opinions of Thursday, 28 March 2013

Columnist: Jawando, Muhammed Suraj Sulley

Leave the national chief imam out

A simple statement by Rev. Prof. Martey to the government to stop sponsoring Muslim Pilgrim to Mecca seems not to be going down well with a section of the Muslim community, even though he was right on point. I wished the Muslim community would have not responded negatively so as not to compound the issue. Then came Alhaji Halidu Haruna, who knows too well about the “Protocol Pilgrims” more than anyone else, to deny it. Even though he’s on the Hajj board representing the government and also (allegedly) facilitating the “protocol pilgrims”. These “protocol Pilgrims” comprises a small percentage of government appointees, NDC/NPP sympathizers (depending on the government in power), and the ruling party’s Foot-soldiers.
Then came a threat from a face-less Muslim group, sympathetic with the government of the day, under the leadership of one Osumanu Guarantee claiming to represent the entire Muslim fraternity. Some of us from the Muslim community knew Mr. Guarantee was a joker. If not, then the clock he’s using to check his 24hrs ultimatum was invented before man. Listening to him on Adom TV, after the press release, I knew he was just another serial caller who has been sent. Now it’s the turn of the Muslim Chiefs, ala Chief Abu Adams. Chief Abu Adams, it would have been great if you had interacted with Rev. Prof. Martey in your capacity as a Muslim Chief, before defending the indefensible.
Yes, the government does not sponsor all Muslims pilgrims to Mecca, but it does sponsor some foot-soldiers and party sympathizers. This has nothing to do with just one party, but with all government since the inception of the 4th Republic. It started with the Rawlings Administration, then Kuffour’s Administration (400 pilgrims a year), then Mills Administration (400 pilgrims a year) and Mahama’s interim government (600 pilgrims a year). Chief Adams should come clean and be specific. Unless he’s defending the statement as a benefactor or a party sympathizer. In my candid opinion, I think all well-meaning Muslims should applaud Rev. Prof Martey for daring the government (not NDC) to channel the hundreds of thousands of dollars into building more schools, library, and hospital for the entire Muslim community in Wale wale, Nima, Sabon Zongo, Asawase and all other Zongos, than sponsoring just 400Muslims at a cost of $3100 per pilgrim.
For far too long successive government have taken the Zongo community for granted by relegating education and healthcare to the bottom of our scale of preference. We should rather respond positively to Rev. Prof. Martey’s statement, by demanding our fair share of the national cake and not sell our conscience to just a few bags of rice, milk and sugar from politicians during the month of Ramadan or a pilgrimage to Mecca by a few at the expense of all. I would also urge the likes of Chief Abu Adams not to bring the name of the National Chief Imam into disrepute. The office of the National Chief Imam is a very respectable institution and we would wish it remain as such and not muddied into dirty politics. If the likes of Alhaji Halidu Haruna, Osmanu Guarantee and Chief Abu Adams pushed too far we would come out with passports from Nima, Sabon Zongo, Tudu, Darkuman, etc of “protocol pilgrims” who never paid a pesewa to the Hajj board. Muslim Philanthropist of the likes of Alhaji S. Maikankan, Alhaji Tijani Nagaya, Alhaji Ibrahim Maikankan and Sheikh Ibrahim Amartey of blessed memories (May their soul rest in perfect peace) are long gone, so please Chief Adams should spare us the “Muslim Philanthropist phrase.
For some years now, the National Chief Imam has initiated an educational scholarship program (SONSETFUND), from which the old man is paying the tuition of needy Muslim students home and abroad from his pocket. I would urge the Muslim Chief and Osmanu Guarantee and his cohorts to reject the “protocol Pilgrimage” which will allegedly be ballooning to 1000pilgrims this year and encourage the government to channel those funds into the National Imam’s scholarship program and developmental projects in our community that will benefit all Muslims and not just a few. I wish a Muslim Dagomba Chief would be proud of how far we’ve come all the way from the north as “watchmen” (ala Kennedy Agyepong) to the highest office (president) of the land down south, and push for more State-men and ministers in future government. The future will be bleak for the next generation if our community leaders continue to wrongly meddle in politic for their stomach as against the benefit of the entire community.
Alh. Muhammed S. S. Jawando (LRT)
A Concerned Muslim
Bronx, New York
