Opinions of Thursday, 1 March 2018

Columnist: todaygh.com

Let’s support the police to fight crime

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Crime, particularly violent crime, appears to be on the increase in recent times. If it is not armed robbers depriving people of their valuables and, in some cases, killing them, we have reports of spouses ending the lives of their loved ones because of very fundamental disagreements.

Although the security agencies are doing their best, we still have some elements within our society who are bent on destabilising the country through their activities.

IN fact, what is currently going on is something that needs serious attention

For instance, the broad daylight robbery incident which happened on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at the Royal Motors in Accra is something that we cannot sweep under the carpet and, treat it as normal when we are told our President is far away in the United States of America (USA) to woo investors into the country.

If this is allowed to take root in our country as we hear about in neighbouring countries, then our people will be hindered in their daily endeavours and, by extension kills investors’ confidence in the country. That, certainly, will affect individual livelihoods and the national economy, as the people will be constrained in carrying out their activities.

That Ghana is on the move in all fields of national endeavour is not a fluke. In spite of challenges in various sectors, we appear to be on course to achieving the goals of nationhood.

Regrettably, robbery cases, such as the Tuesday’s one at the Royal Motors, create the impression that we are as violent and cruel as the citizens of failed states where criminal gangs have taken over with impunity.

It is for these reasons that government must stop the rhetoric and, ensure that, our security agencies are well resourced with modern gadgets to aid them in their work.

Today therefore wants to appeal to the security agencies to step up their game in fighting crime and armed robbery since the activities of these criminals are gradually eroding our economic gains.

We know the capability of our police and, so we should all give them the necessary support by always giving them credible information that can help nip the canker in the bud.