Opinions of Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Columnist: Kofi Thompson

Let us resolve to create a truly better Ghana in 2014

By Kofi Thompson

Being in the inside track of a regime trapped in a perfect storm of negativity, must be pretty challenging - if you are a politician who genuinely wants to see a truly better Ghana emerging unto the world stage.

One's prayer, therefore, is that the decent people in the current regime who want to make our nation a better place for all its people, will triumph over the crooks-in-high-places, in the new year.

As the year 2013 rolls to an end, many ordinary people in Ghana will doubtless take stock of their activities from the beginning of this year, and hope that the new year will be a better one for them - and their country.

Let all the members of our political class resolve to put the national interest - whatever benefits a majority of Ghanaians at any given point in time - ahead of personal ambition and party advantage. They must work closely together to help alleviate poverty in Ghana.

And, hopefully, the National Media Commission (NMC) will come to see, in the new year, why it must do all it can to prevent the consolidation of the media into the hands of a wealthy and powerful few.

Media consolidation today, might appear innocuous to many, but it provides tomorrow's tyranny with perfect working tools to undermine Ghanaian democracy with. The more responsible sections of the Ghanaian media, ought to wake up to this latent and insidious danger.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, and a happy and prosperous new year to all the good people of this marvelous but challenging place called Ghana. Let us all resolve to help create a truly better Ghana for all its people in 2014.
