Opinions of Friday, 9 September 2005

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: A slum called Accra

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents,

I inaugurated a committee last week to ?plan the proper development of Accra?. I know it is a totally unnecessary committee but I had to take some action to let Otanka know that I am not happy with his city beautification efforts ? if he has made any efforts at all. Since he was appointed Minister for the beautification of the national capital, I have not seen any concrete plans by the ministry to give the city a facelift. The city is rather turning into a big slum with each passing day. People are building haphazardly on waterways, on gutters and in the middle of roads. Illegal settlements are springing up everywhere. Add these to the age-old problem of the filth that has engulfed Accra and you don?t need to be told that our national capital is in a mess. If these things continue Accra might no longer be fit to be referred to as the national capital and I might be forced to consider an MPs recent proposal for the capital to be moved to Kintampo. Otanka was supposed to have solved (or at least attempted to solve) the problems confronting our national capital.