Opinions of Wednesday, 27 July 2005

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Letter From The President: Check the slums

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents, as you may be aware,

I am not a great fan of Mugabe. I think he?s an old fool. I don?t like him for the way he?s gone about his land reform programme and I hate him even more for being so repressive, uncompromising and utterly hotheaded. In the past weeks, however, Mugabe has done something, which I find quite remarkable and worthy of emulation. Am talking about his decision to demolish buildings, which, according to him, have been built illegally in various parts of his country?s capital. Knowing Mugabe, I am tempted to agree with those who say that he?s demolition the buildings to punish urban dwellers who voted for the opposition parties in the last general elections. His determination to demolish the buildings ? in spite of the huge international outcry ? tells me that if Mugabe with all his ill-defined motives can demolish ?illegal? buildings, the city authorities in Accra should be able to do the same because they?ve got the law on their sides.