Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents, strange and stupid things happen in Sikaman everyday. Stupidity is so common in our country that hardly a day passes by without someone giving me cause to laugh at his or her folly. I think the mayor of Accra, Nii Aridji, deserves special recognition in this regard. He has been so consistent with his vain (and foolhardy) attempts to rid the streets of Accra of hawkers and it has all gotten me thinking that, perhaps, he should be rewarded as the most pigheaded personality of the year.
He started his campaign to get the hawkers off the streets some nine months ago. He made the exercise appear prudent. But it was just a show to cover his failure to fulfill his pledge to clean up Accra within one hundred days of assuming office. And it worked. By chasing the hawkers around and getting the whole nation to talk about the so-called decongestion exercise, almost everyone ? except my excellent self and a few watchful others ? forgot about the filth and the stench in the national capital.