Opinions of Sunday, 18 April 2004

Columnist: Kpentey, Kankson

Letter from Ghana

Dear editor,

The request for the publication of this write-up is an attempt towards Sensitising and bringing to the doorstep of the public, the need for ghana to have a statutorily recognised national technology center now for the Good of this country.

The time for mother ghana to have a technology center is now. Ghana should not appear as if she has lost her sense of direction. We have a reach human resource base. The inability of Ghana to marshall the available human resource base in this direction derail the country off from its impending development agenda.

Are we failing to be vissionary as the founding father of independence Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah did? The blue prints of what vissioned for ghana are not been visited by all the governments passed, of this nation. I wouldn't like to say that all the goernments passed had no vission for this country apart from nkrumah, but we cannot run away from the facts.

The aim for the establishment of the kwame nkrumah university of ghana was originally to provide scientific education meant to produce the best of Engineers and the scientist that ghana needs.there are so many ghanaian Scientists out there whose rich knowledge could be exploited towards Ensuring that ghana becomes what it has ever dreamt of.

This is the idea conception stage.let us start thinking Ghana devoid of the confliction of personal interest with national interest. A recent Publication has revealed that a ghanaian is to be awarded a patency right for an invention. The gentleman also mentioned that he still has at his disposal about ten (10) more inventions to be presented for patency.go to the universities, the ghana association of physicists, ghana atomic energy and they have and you would be able to unearth numerous highly knowledgeable scientist who can practically demonstrate their rich know-how.

The personalities are there.from now on, we should make it a point that the holding of several meetings accompanied by sometimes, volumes of paperwork should be minimal.we need more of actions than any other thing. We must be focused and where we become focused with determination, hardwork, a good reward system, an excellent management team, provision of the necessary logistics with full government commitment to such an undertaking has the potential of yielding nutritious dividend.

Sometimes, it is pathertic when similar appeals are requested for publications and newspapers whether deliberately or out of ignorance, simply refuse such publications for national consumption.

It will interest Ghanaians to know that ghana has the best of africans human resource capacity. We waste it and we shall be doomed. Our international competitiveness shall continue to worsen as a result unfavourable terms of trade situations.

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