Countrymen and women, ?against? people and praise singers,
I have just returned home from one of those meetings where African leaders get an opportunity to pat themselves on the back for doing nothing. At this particular meeting, I offered myself up for my peers to come down and see how clean my cupboard is. Not that my cupboard is empty of skeletons. There are a few skeletons but I hope to have my cupboard totally cleaned up before the Peer Reviewers come down to poke their nose into my Excellent affairs. Do you know why I offered our country up for peer review? I just wanted us to make history. You know how we love to be the first ?the first country south of the Sahara to gain independence, the first (and only country) south of the Sahara to produce a UN Secretary General, the first country to sign the UN charter on the rights of the child, the first country to win the African Cup of Nations Four times etc. I have added one more ?first? to our accolades. I hope you appreciate it and go around the world boasting about it.