Opinions of Thursday, 21 January 2016

Columnist: Brako-Powers, Kwabena

Life360degrees - How to Enjoy Your Life in Full through Right-thinking

3 mins (Read)

Kwabena Brako-Powers
Iris Naa N. Akwetey

We all go about our activities differently. While some prefer to do things as little as possible, others move at full speed. Life may turn out good or otherwise depending on the kind of investment one puts in. When it comes to life, it is important to live a complete one replete with love, good health, deserving family, dependable friends, and happiness. Life360degrees is a concept that stands for this completeness of life. It introduces the idea that everyman needs to be at his optimum capacity to make an impact, influence, and to make a difference in his life and that of others.
To us, Life360degrees comprises; God, love, family, Health, Friends, Happiness, Money, Life itself and Knowledge. You simply don’t need to live. You’ve got to be conscious of living. This elicits the questions: What are the most important things in your life? Do the things we’ve listed form part of your important things? Remember: we’re each entrusted with a destiny, and the way we get it accomplished depends on our level of consciousness with what we do each day of our lives and the impact we make in the lives of others. This piece focuses on four of the components of Life360degrees.
If you want to get more achieved in your life, you need to prioritize your health. And this means that you need to be health conscious. Nothing, absolutely, replaces the one who’s conscious of what he eats, where he eats, and how he eats. Don’t forget that nobody cares about your health better than you do. Therefore, you need to put your health needs ahead of a lot of the things in your life. If it’s not, then you need to make it because without it you will not be able to enjoy the rest. To be in top shape, you need to adopt the practice of exercising at least once a day before you go out to attend to the schedules of the day. It’s expensive to fix a deteriorating health, but easy to kick start the habit of exercising and healthy living. Remember: without life itself, it becomes impossible to be happy, enjoy your wealth, family, and friends.
In Chasing the Dream by Kwabena Brako-Powers, he said that “Love and the act of giving are the keys to many uncommon accomplishments in the world today. The good news is that this law is easy to do. However, it’s difficult to ignore.” We often say that love Moves Mountain, however, the repetitive nature of hatred and its manifestations in our world points to one thing -- that many people don’t understand it. Our nature is love, so it is easy to show it to others. However, it is also easy to refuse to extend love to others. According to Brako-Powers, “There are 3 types of LOVE that go around in the world. These are; (a) Love for God, (b) Love for Self and (c) Love for neighbors (including family).” The truest dependable in one’s life is God. He’s the number one person you can fall on in all times. It’s out of his nature embedded in us that we also have love in abundance. Your relationship with him should matter to you as much as your health. It is our submission that you consider showing love towards your God (deity), friends, and family. It’s only when you do so that you will be able to activate your life in its completeness. Brako-Powers concluded that “Our kind is enriched when we exhibit love in its pure form; love for God, for self, and for neighbor.” Let us be mindful of how we go about doing this.
How is your relationship with your family? Children? Parents? Husband? Wife? Siblings? Remember: we are each placed in a family by the chief architect of the universe, God. The family is one of the carefully crafted unions of humanity. Here, we get to access people who share common affiliation with us by blood, adoption and other means. Your family should be made up of the people you can turn to whenever you need to share somethings with someone. The members of your family should be accessible and reliable. They should show keen interest in what you are becoming. We often complain about the attitudes and follies of our family members towards us, but fall short at auditing that of ours. You are as guilty as the family member you’re accusing. To harvest more from your family members, endeavor to be what you want in others. And when you do this, you will have what you want in others.
True friends outlast guests. One of the ironies of our world today is that many people are searching for good friends when they are not one themselves to others. When it comes to keeping a healthy relationship, you cannot get what you fail to be. This stands to reason that, if you are not a good friend to others, you will not attract one in your life. Good friends coast along with you both in hard and good times. They cry with you when it gets to that, and they laugh with you when the situation calls for it. They are willing to be all things to secure your future. They supply you positive energy even when you are all negative. Their actions are motivated, not by one’s sordid situation, but what is ahead. Let us decide to remain true to others, and we will have those who are true to us.
Don’t forget to be conscious of living, and this means being mindful of what you do each day. Know: we all need to live a complete life replete with happiness, good health, dependable family and friends, abundant love and edifying knowledge. Life360degrees represents that completeness so essential for a successful living. We wish you Life360degrees in your life, even as you go about your duties in this New Year.
Please share your comments with us focusing especially on what you consider important in your life. We will be glad to learn from you also as you learn from us.