Opinions of Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Columnist: Boateng, Kwame

Mahama, Practice What You Preach About Corruption

"Dear" Mr. President,

I have read and listen to your many speeches about corruption in Ghana over the years, and I strongly want to believe that most Ghanaian's don't take you seriously anymore. I definitely don't believe a word you say about fighting corruption.

Indeed, there have been numerous survey's in recent times and most of them point to the fact that they don't trust you or your government to fight corruption. It appears to me that corruption involving your administration is unparalleled in the history of Ghana.

As you very much know, there have been instances where the courts have ruled for the government to retrieve monies dubiously paid out to your cronies, and yet you have refused to act.

You are effectively abusing the rule of law in our beloved country. A typical case in point is the infamous Woyome saga. It bothers me greatly to see that after all these years of independence, Ghana is plagued with greedy leaders who pretend to be fighting corruption, and yet are the master perpetrators of the same vice they want the world to think they are eradicating.

If you are interested in fighting corruption or be seen to be fighting corruption the following steps will help:

1. Retrieve funds from Woyome, and all the other people who have been paid money they did not deserve 2. Stop reshuffling your appointees who have been found to be complicit in corruption cases in Ghana. The least you can do is to ask them to step aside, and not to re-assign them to the "office of the presidency" or God know what. Eg. Elvis Afriyie Ankrah and Clement Kofi Humado 3. Appoint competent people to help you in managing our country. The school boy ministers you have surrounded yourself with makes you look rather immature yourself.

4. Replace all ill-qualified foot soldiers you have appointed to state boards, and ministries 5. Stop the open appointments of only mostly Northerners to occupy government positions. It makes you out as a very poor tribal oriented president.

What I am saying is this, the good people of Ghana have lost complete faith in you, because the ordinary man in the street of Ghana believes you are complicit in the unprecedented levels of corruption they see. I hope we are all wrong. So please stop your speeches about corruption, and start acting now. You are putting our democracy in danger by your acts and omissions.

Thanks for making time to read my message. The constitution have given you powers like a modern day dictator, so use it for the benefit of the good people of Ghana. Frankly we are tired of the hardships corruption is imposing on most Ghanaians (except you and your cronies who seems to me living opulent lifestyles). Boys abr3?? paaaa!!!!!

Concerned and frustrated Ghanaian.

Kwame Boateng kwameboatengcd@yahoo.com
