Opinions of Sunday, 5 April 2020

Columnist: Victor Wellrich, Contributor

Mauritius is the highest ranking sub-saharan african economy,2020

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According to the world bank group, the Mauritius economy ranks highest in sub-Saharan Africa in ease of doing business; beating the largest economies such as Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya.

The second-highest ranking economy in ease of doing business in sub-Saharan Africa is Rwanda.

Globally, Mauritius ranks, 13 whilst Rwanda ranks 38 amongst the top 50 countries.

Let’s learn more about these two impressive African countries:

Mauritius is situated off the east coast of Africa and is a tourist haven, thus, drawing travelers from every part of the world.

Mauritius is among the Sub-Saharan Africa region’s most business-friendly countries, with very good economic policies and banking policies.

Its global trade and investment policy has increased exports of goods and services and tourism, and also, low oil prices have kept inflation low.

An efficient and transparent regulatory regime supports economic development and competitive tax rates which facilitate private-sector growth. A sound legal framework protects property rights.

Interestingly, there is no official language in Mauritius; whilst English is used by Government for administrative purposes, much of the island also speak French and over 85% speak Creole which is a language inspired by French.

People of Mauritius are free to practice whichever religion of their choosing.

Mauritius is the only African country with the highest Hindu population; though there are Muslims and Roman Catholics.

Mauritius has the highest population density in Africa and one of the highest in the world.

Moreso, It is home for over 1.2million people made up of Indo-Pakistani origin and Creole.

Mauritius: www.wallpaperflare.com/


Did you know that you can start a business within 48 hours in Rwanda? whereas in well-developed countries, it would take an average of 11 days to register and start a business.

Technology is the backbone of the Rwanda economy; with its heavy investment in the 4g network, Rwanda seeks to make internet access available to 95% of its population.

In politics, Rwanda has the highest women representation in Parliament and as a result, became the first country in the world to legislate ban against plastics bags in 2007; which made it one of the top 5 most improved countries.

Rwanda: https://theexchange.africa/

The Global ease of doing business score shows how close each economy is to the global best practice in business regulation.

A higher score indicates a more efficient business environment and stronger legal institutions.

Africa is gradually taking the world economic space by storm by showing a strong economy through its legal institutions and excellent business environment.
