Opinions of Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Columnist: Abdul-Fatawu, Fuseini

Mr. Sissala East DCE, this is my piece of advice to you!

With your confirmation as a DCE of the Sissala East District on the 16th of June, 2016, many key admirers and stakeholders in the district have applauded and congratulated you and hope you speedily speed the pace of development in the district. So huge are the expectations of the people that, everybody think you are the solution to our myriad of problems. They count your supposed success you chalk in Kanton Secondary School as an example of how good you are in administrative issues. I may have my differences and I may equally totally disagree with them in that regard but I can never take away the fact that you are a hardworking fellow. With this in mind, I wish to give a seven (7) open piece of advice to you. As said, it is a piece of advice which can either be taken or totally ignored and disregarded, but for certain you will be questioned at the end of your stewardship. Here then they come:
Our roads I can confidently say is the poorest in Ghana. Many people have been talking about the main road from WA to Bolga and vice versa but actually ignore the numerous death traps in Challu, Kulfuo, Tarsor etc. which has made those communities cut off from the rest of the district. We thought the president did us a huge favour when we had our own son as the Minister of Roads but unfortunately as you are aware, his appointment turned out to be a heartache and disappointment to the two Sissala districts. We know you are not a Minister of State but if you lobby effectively for our roads to be made better, posterity will also judge you better.
This is a sector which since 2001 has seen continuous improvement and I do hope you will continue with the progress that has been made in that regard. Most of our brothers and sisters who are nurses have come back home to support and it is actually a good and favourable development. We are however still faced with the age- old problem where we have only one Medical Doctor for the two districts. Again certain communities with large populations still lack clinics and coupled with the problem of transportation makes it very difficult for them to have access to quality health care delivery. My own community, Challu, despite being promised a clinic for Allah knows how long, still lacks it and the same applies to Mwanduanu and other communities. It is always sad and pathetic when one visit these areas and sees the sufferings there.
Undisputedly, this is the most vital sector for the growth of all societies. Unlike other districts, Sissala East District has always failed to give adequate support to people in the district and the excuses have always been there is no money. One wonders how other communities have always been able to do their own and we cannot. Tertiary students who the district should have always helped so that they can come back home to support are always neglected. With president Mahama deliberately taking away Teacher Trainee allowances, the District Assembly have a lot to do in this regard to support tertiary students from all quarters. With CAMFED supporting our girls in the Senior High level, the District Assembly have to support our male students, because, in fact, some are suffering hardships and deprivations more than the female students. I know as a former head teacher, you know of tearful stories in this regard. Though painful, you must also do well to work hand-in-hand with the district GES to get to the bottom of the supposed report of sexual harassment in our two main Senior High Schools by the now fictitious Abu Nabong. If the crimes are proved to be true, serious sanctions must be taken against the culprits without any fear or favour and if false, the Serious Fraud Office and the BNI must be made to investigate to bring this person/group to book for the damage he/they might have caused those whose names are mentioned.
With the whole nation smelling of it and the president totally weakened in its fight against it, I sincerely expect a little here from you but that notwithstanding, you can put a minute/little effort to save face. Truth be told, I sincerely doubt your creditability in this regard but it is better I say it than keep mute on it. I only do hope that you will prove me wrong in this regard.
Ghana is blessed to be a multi-religious country and also possessive of a high level of tolerance among the religious communities. For a long time, we have respected and cherished this noble God-given gift and for that matter, when all others were failing, Ghana still stood tall. The perception by several people who passed under you that you have extreme hatred for Islam and Muslims and that you have a cunning ability to turn truth upside down, cap siding facts and making the innocent look like the aggressor is something that you must seriously eschew and throw away if true. There is a huge difference between being an Education administrator and being a district administrator. Public administrators must create religious unity and not a divide and rule system to destroy communities.
Once working under you, if I’m asked by anyone about you, I always say this is what I think is your major problem. The public perception that you always desire to always work with sycophants and always do away with people who are against your policies is something you must put away if true. The belief in sycophants has caused the fall of many great leaders and if changes are not made in perceived style of leadership of yours, your administration might be the worse in the history of Sissalaland. This you can avoid if you use competence and hardwork instead of cunning and hypocritical sycophants.
Though I’m not a member of the NDC and I happily hope to see the back of the NDC come 2016. I do however know that the internal bickering of the ruling NDC within the district have dearly caused us the people in the district severe pains. In an earlier article I wrote on the 14th of May, 2014, entitled, “Internal Bickering in NDC Killing Sissala East District”, I stated my position on how this disunity is affecting our district. Though you have been made a DCE to not only develop the district but also your party which has an envied record of being the worse in Ghana’s cherished history, I know it is not going to be an easy task. Already, before even your swearing-in, accusing fingers are thrown at some quarters that you belong to a particular camp. With an irreconcilable posture from one camp and another seeking revenge, I wonder how you are going to achieve the unity.

My former boss, these are the pieces of advice I have to offer for you. I know for a fact that numerous other people more knowledgeable and advance in age than me have spoken to you. I also know that my words might be taken with a suspicious look but it is still better I say it. It is a fact that many people have ascended the political ladder and just after they left office they are like they’ve never stayed there before. With my appetite in reading, I’ll advice you read Tawia Adamafio’s, “By Nkrumah’s Side: The Labour and the Wounds”. I promise that you’ll learn political lessons for your concluding political career.
I will In Sha Allah be back soon……..

Fuseini Abdul-Fatawu