Opinions of Friday, 29 March 2019

Columnist: Patrick Oppong-Sekyere

My Story, Your Story, Our Story: The reason for Marricke Kofi Gane

Marricke Kofi Gane Marricke Kofi Gane

Why are we where we are, and what have we tried or been able to do about all these things. I always wake up with the hope that tomorrow will be better, but it seems the opposite of it is what I see. My story, your story altogether is our story.

Growing up as a little boy in Akosombo in the Eastern Region of Ghana. I remember that very day I was among a crowd chanting a political song on behalf of Former President J. J. Rawlings which goes like "Akokra b?ni eeeih, wosi wo betu J. J, tu J. J many? hw?." Which literally means "bad old man, if you claim you will overthrow J. J, Overthrow him let's see". The year was 1996. I was asked to return which I never did even after falling in a gutter........I loved it and I still do.

I have been a great follower of J. A. Kuffour. Never had any close relation introduced me to politics. I just like to speak to issues that affect me, and once I feel it is good to go with why not, and trust me, if it fails I don't hesitate to talk about it.

There is a woman who meets me and calls me "free shs" because I told her, Nana baa woba b? k? School free.... Literally means "if Nana comes, your child will go to school free". But the question is, how good has that been and is that all there is to talk about or we could get better?

I have found myself debating for both sides. I have found myself trying to sometimes defend, even the indefensible. Yeah, we have been all over the place and still it seems only words we say gets better, and the actions the opposite.

I woke up last morning and hope was all I sensed. When one gentleman, one of our own, announced his interest in steering the affairs of this blessed nation, that we all want it to be great and strong. I felt this goosebumps all over, as if it was his swearing in ceremony. #DareToDream something I call #DreamsMadeOfGold.

We have been on this road for too long, and we have many times contemplated and said we are fed up with how things are. We look unhappy, for there seems to be no future, apart from the years passing by. You see people lose interest, in the very Country that makes them call themselves Ghanaians. Why, how, what, when and who are the many questions.

I followed keenly responses on social media, and you could feel people want a revolution, but not from their thumb, then I asked myself, "should it be the gun"? No way, is the only answer I could think of. It better be our thumbs.

What do we have to lose, after everything we have experienced and cried for. We look at Kagame of Rwanda and we wish Ghana was experiencing same, yet, we are still in dilemma, when the very people you and I have placed there not once, not twice not thrice, have failed us over and over.

Let's look at our ages and ask ourselves, in the next twenty (20) years, how do we want to see Ghana? In this current situation or the opposite? I have no shred of doubt should things continue this way, our children, will even not respect us for the decisions we made and want to go on with. Posterity has a better story to tell.

Let's come together and make history. Let's find a UNITED front and make things happen. We have been saying it for long and this is the time. The wait is over. We have endured enough and this is not time to apply long-suffering.

It on us to change the duopoly, not because we hate them, but, because they have not helped the situations. If they were any better, this conversation would not even be happening.....

Marricke Kofi Gane, is the new dawn. He is ready to lead the fight, you and I have been training and waiting for. People will doubt, but I urge you not to doubt your conscience and not to fall a victim of the old tricks. Remember it is said, "we do not fill old vessels with new wines". Let's bring in new ideas in new vessels.

This is an opportunity to tell your children one day, "I was part of this journey, I was one of the people who changed the status quo".

Yes, I felt that hope.... I saw it like a lighthouse far away. You know what. I cannot promise I will get there, but I can promise, with my story and your story, we will get there. Ubuntu: I am because you're, you're because I am and we are because you're.

We have nothing to lose for this choice, after all what have been situation before and now. Absolutely nothing. Let's remember #ForTheLifeWeChoose #DreamsMadeOfGold #DareToDream

#Gane4Ghana #TimeNoDey #GhanaDeservesBetter