Opinions of Thursday, 5 September 2013

Columnist: Mustapha, Mohammed

My stance in the journey of the election petitioning

It has been a long tortuous, labyrinthine, and rambling and sometimes exciting legal journey .It has been a journey of permutation and combination, a journey that changed the language of Ghanaian into more legal one. A journey that welcome all sort of legal jargons from both professional and unprofessional lawyers. This journey has caused many people a sleepless night. A journey that has nicknamed many.

A journey that gave birth to names like: “Pink sheet” “You and I were not there”, etc

The journey that took eight months of our national calendar for a pure legal schooling. This journey has shot the reputation of our country into unprecedented and unparagoned height. The journey for the first time put our security to the highest alert ever. The very Journey that swept the street of Accra into a state of curfew. The journey that made me drive for the first time in my life through the principal street of Accra with ease and comfort

I am talking of the journey that gave producers of political programs in different radio stations more exciting time table. The journey that made parent wish to have lawyers in the family. The journey that embellish the law profession with more respect than before. The journey that made GTV the favorite TV channel Ghana for eight months.

The journey that for the first time reduce some politicians that were perceived to be untouchable into a mere citizen with their hands behind them like a child standing in front of his father. This journey really brought up shocking revelation that confounded majority of Ghanaians, to the extent some politician asking ladies of their party not to allow their husbands to make love with them, because they are observing a holy moment to change the mandate of the citizens. Do you know this journey has changed slogans and philosophies of political parties, This journey was able to change slogans like “The battle of the Lords” to “Battle of the Pink sheet” What a journey!!!!.

Oh!!! This Journey is wicked, do you know this journey subjected young children to days of fasting and praying in a house of a political flag bearer , simple because those children that were forced to starve in the name of fasting can’t pay their fees, so they want the almighty God to make their hero a president so their fees will be paid. I pray this journey won’t increase the Ulcer patient in the country.

The journey that controlled wide mouths and sent them into hibernation. I am still talking of that journey that made Ken kuranchie and Atubiga ex-convicts . This journey will never be forgotten in the democratic history of this wonderful country. Do you remember the journey that made Dr. Bawumia to see better without his spectacles. This journey that made Afari Gyan wish he was never born. Yes!!! I am still talking of that journey that introduces people like Addison, Tony Lithure and Quashie Idun to the whole world.

Don’t be confuse my cherished reader, because I am still talking of that journey that made my dad and your dad thought they are going to be refugee because of the USA government pronouncement . Infact we will miss this journey because if for nothing at all, some of us have learnt that Politicians are nobody when it comes to supremacy of the land.

This journey was taken with only nine people steering the wheel of the vehicle. This journey is wicked because it seems this journey is going to permanently retire some people. By the power of this Journey Justice Atubuga became the stubborn teacher that will always punish loquacious like Sir John.

I am still talking of the journey that started from 16th April till 29th August, do you know that journey initially made a section of the populace to brand certain people that fall within their political circle as the most intelligent politicians that country has ever seen. This Journey is hilarious, melancholic, educative, informative and time consuming. This Journey is a novelty, because for the first time in the history of our country, one election was able to declare one candidate winner twice and other candidate looser twice, Oh!!! This journey has brought shame to some people.

This journey is not fair, because it took the drivers of the Journey just 13 minutes to mangle a case that took eight months of sleepless night of duplicating, triplicating and quadruplicating. This journey has some morale lesson that need to be shared, the lesson of “What God has ordain no man shall dispute” This is my Journey, your journey, and our Journey.

This is the Journey of the Election Petitioning. A JOUNEY THAT BROUGHT VICTORY TO US ALL

The One Legacy

Mohammed Mustapha

Tel: 0244204842 or 0266722272