Opinions of Thursday, 12 May 2011

Columnist: Spio-Garbrah, Ekwow

"NDC At The Precipice" -

Ekwow Spio-Garbrah

Last week, the NDC opened nominations at its Party headquarters for
all qualified members of the Party who wish to lead the Party towards
the next election. Today, 10th May, is the last day for all interested
and qualified members to pick up nomination forms for that contest.
Whoever is elected as party leader at the NDC Congress will represent
the Party at the 2012 elections. If that individual and the NDC prevail
against the NPP, that NDC leader will become the next President of
Ghana. The first person to pick up a nomination form was Nana Konadu
Agyeman Rawlings, until recently one of my fellow Vice Chairmen of the
Party. President J.E.A Mills, the President of Ghana and leader of the
NDC, has also understandably picked a form.
Because I was a
candidate in the NDC leadership race of December 2006, many Ghanaians,
especially NDC members, have naturally enquired about my plans regarding
this new opportunity to seek the leadership position of the Party. Many
commentators have said that the mere fact that anyone in the NDC should
wish to pick nominations forms when the party is in power and we have a
sitting President, means that all is not well in the Party. Other media
analysts have even wondered why the NDC has not managed its internal
affairs in such a way that no one needs to contest a sitting
President.Against this background, those members of the NDC and others
who consider themselves as “Friends of Spio-Garbrah” and members of
“Spio-Garbrah Fan Clubs” have called me and sent me various
messages from around the country. Some of them have encouraged me to
stay “neutral” by not contesting at all. Others have urged me to throw
my weight and those of my supporters behind one of the two prospective
candidates. Yet others urge that I file my nomination in order to
demonstrate my continuing interest in leading the NDC and the good
people of Ghana someday. It has been a period for deep reflection,
prayer and consultation. In the words of some, if my father and my
mother are going through a “political divorce” it is better not to get
involved or to support one side against the other. Other supporters,
however, have stated that I need to go beyond simply staying neutral in
these divorce proceedings, and have encouraged me to continue to pursue
the “Peacemaking and Unity” in the NDC that I begun some weeks ago.

is why appeals must continue to be made to all right thinking members
of the NDC, especially the Founding Fathers, the Council of Elders, The
President and Leader, the National Secretariat, and specific individuals
whose voices carry weight within the Party to strive for a negotiated
resolution of the current crisis before open warfare is declared. What
would be the point of winning an internal NDC battle only to lose the
more important war at a national election? It may be recalled that in
2006, a similar attempt at fend-mending was planned between those
supporting my campaign and Prof J.E. A. Mills, but this was eventually
scuttled, leading to long-term adverse effects.
current trends in the party continue, the NDC baby may end up being cut
in two at and after July 10, 2011. But like the true mother in the
Solomonic story of two women contesting over the motherhood/ownership of
a baby in First Kings, Ch. 3, the major claimants to the NDC’s future
must agree to keep and own one united NDC family after the July Congress
than to take pieces of a divided baby.

Whether I
pick up a nomination form or not today, 10th May, 2011, the last day for
picking up a form, will depend on my view of whether peace and unity in
the NDC are more possible with me in the race or with me outside the
race. So, peace-making in the NDC is still my objective and it is better
late than never. President Rawlings, Nana Konadu Rawlings and President
Mills and their supporters should be able to accommodate themselves
under the large NDC “Akatamanso”, and if I need to become a candidate in
order to have the leverage to help them to do so, then may God Help Us
All.The NDC must win the 2012 elections, but it must NOT destroy itself in the
process of doing so.

Whether I pick up a nomination form today, 10th
May, 2011, the last day for picking up a form, will depend on my view of
whether I reach the conclusion that peace in the NDC is more possible with me
in the race or with me outside the race. So, peace-making in the NDC is still my
objective and better late than never. President Rawlings, Nana Konadu Rawlings
and President Mills and their supporters should be able to accommodate themselves
under the large NDC “Akatamanso”, and if I need to become a candidate to help
them to do so, then may God Help Us All.

The NDC must win the 2012 elections, but it must NOT destroy itself in the process
of doing so.

Live the President of Ghana!

Live the Founder of the NDC!

Live the NDC Family!

Live Ghana!

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