Opinions of Sunday, 22 August 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC National Chairman's Threats to Sort Out the Judiciary Backfires.

The NDC are doing their nuts again. They are looking to vent their anger and
frustration of failure to win their supposed high profile cases against the NPP on
the judiciary. In their warped perception as orchestrated by their party Chairman,
Dr. Kwabena Adjei, the judiciary are in bed with the NPP hence always, deciding
political cases brought before them by the NDC, in favour of the NPP.

I am sorry to say without insulting the intelligence of this learned man that the
tone and manner in which he publicly expressed his view is as reckless as it is
irresponsible. How can he threaten to rein in the judiciary if the Chief Justice did
not sort out the mess and corruption eating away that arm of government? Who is he
to come out openly to issue such thoughtless statements in public without incurring
the wrath of, or reprimand by the alarmed Ghanaian public? It must be recalled that
it was in the not distant year 1982 that three members of the judiciary and a
retired army officer were abducted by same wretched NDC guys, murdered in
cold-blood, and burnt beyond recognition at the Bundase Military Range. This was the
period when Former President J.J. Rawlings was the Chairman of the then ruling PNDC
which years later metamorphosed into the current NDC. Is it not an open secret that
the keys to the vehicle used to abduct the three High Court
judges, Mrs Justice Cecilia Koranteng-Addo, Mr Justice Fred Poku Sarkodie and Mr
Justice Kwadwo Agyei Agyepong and the retired army Major Acquah were retrieved from
the Rawlingses' house from their dining table?

Ghanaians have every reason to get agitated if a repeat of that calculated murder
visited upon the judges by same crazy NDC guys is about to occur, inferring from the
unfortunate vituperations by the supposed senseless Dr. Kwabena Adjei. This man who
bears the same name as my departed Kumawu friend of blessed memory is a total
disgrace to all those bearing the name Kwabena Adjei. This friend of mine from Mr.
Bannor's house was intelligent and well behaved, unlike this learned fellow.

One wonders if our noble paper-certificate-bearing PhD holder is actually living up
to expectation as a proper academician. He should have known better that under true
democracy, the three organs of government, The Executive, The Judiciary and The
Legislature are independent of one another. Briefly, the legislative body which is
our parliament, makes the laws; the Executive which is the government (President,
Ministers etc.) implement the laws so made and the Judiciary (Chief Justice, Judges
and the Courts) interpret the laws when any misunderstanding arises at the
implementation of the laws and policies of the government. All this is to ensure
what are called checks and balances on any would-have intended excesses by any
single organ of government.

With the above little explanation given, how justified is Kwabena Adjei to threaten
the Judiciary by issuing his scary statement that sends quiver down the spine of not
only judges but all concerned and peace-loving Ghanaians? He says, "If the Chief
Justice does not sort out the corruption within the judiciary, we shall sort them
out. There are many ways to kill the cat", he concludes. When did he come to the
realisation that there is ongoing corruption within the judiciary? If the said
corruption has been ongoing for many years, why did his party not make it a policy
to sort it out in their party manifesto? Has he only begun to see corruption among
the judiciary at the losing of their wild-goose-chase cases against the perceived
corrupt former NPP government Ministers?
I am sure Kwabena Adjei is not going to instigate his lawless NDC foot-soldiers to
start abducting and murdering the judges as it was on 30th June 1982? Kwabena has
opened the Pandora's box and he should not be surprised at the ensuing anger of the
public directed at him. He, in my estimation, has cost the NDC the support and votes
of many floating Ghanaian voters. He has tolled the knell for the NDC come 2012

Does Kwabena think Ghanaians are that fools to continue to allow further visitations
of lawlessness, abductions, unexplained murders and unnecessary intimidations upon
them? What at all provoked this man to make such an intimidating, absurd statement
with intent to harm?

Should the police not arrest the NDC Chairman, Dr. Kwabena Adjei for causing harm
and spreading fear among Ghanaians especially, the judiciary arm of government? Most
are the judges that are scared, I should think, and may be withdrawing their
services or looking over their shoulder from today forward to ensure they are not
being stalked or shadowed with intent to harm them. Why? It's all because "once
bitten, twice shy". And "to be forewarned is to be forearmed" Let us see how the
police will react. This is a test for the police who in my estimation are perceived
to be politicised somehow. Nana Darkwah made an allegation against an individual on
the conflagration that gutted this individual's house. He was quickly arrested,
charged, imprisoned, bailed, and has since been on trial for "causing harm and
spreading fear in public. Does the severity of his purported causing harm and
spreading fear compare with that of Mr. Kwabena Adjei's? I am waiting to see
what the police will do in this case. The police are to prove to Ghanaians and the
whole world that they are fair, friendly and firm. We are all watching!

Kwabena Adjei by his suffered momentary insanity has made his Doctorate degree
unworthy of even the paper it is written on. I have today disrobed him of his title
(Dr.) until his brains have been re-examined and a psychiatrist declared him fit to
hold that title. He is also to retract his issued threat with an apology to all
Ghanaians for insulting our intelligence.

Kwabena, you have hit below the belt. Shame on you! Shame on all those supporting
your warped judgment. One Prince in London says Kwabena Adjei never went far enough.
He, Prince, would have said and done far worse than his NDC idol Kwabena Adjei. He
said this on a radio programme hosted by one Junior Scato on Hot Digital Online FM
radio based in London on the night of Wednesday, 18 August 2010 at about 23:00
hours. He was seconded by one "Professor" Alhaji Fuugu, a diehard NDC activist who
has never made any earnest and intelligent discourse in his radio phone in calls.

The NDC are to employ intelligent or avidly seasoned lawyers to assist them
prosecute all those they perceive to have caused financial loss to the State in
various breaths rather than to resort to gutter-politics. The threats will backfire
on them and it has. The NPP will win the next elections, by the design and purpose
of God the Almighty that we worship.

Enough with the insanity of the NDC!

Rockson Adofo
