The leaders of the Mahama-led main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) may not like the invitation thrown to four of their foreign operatives by Mr. Martin ABK Amidu, the Independent Special Prosecutor, but they have absolutely no other recourse but to promptly respond to the same or find themselves laughing with the wrong sides of their mouths, as one of my housemasters used to say to us at Akuapem-Akropong SALEM, otherwise known as the Presbyterian Middle Boys’ Boarding, in the early 1970s (See “NDC ‘Rejects’ Airbus Bribe Probe” / 4/1/20). They have absolutely no choice in this matter because it is the business of the bona fide citizens of the Sovereign Democratic Republic of Ghana that we are dealing with in this instance.
So far, invitations have reportedly been issued an individual by the name of Mr. Samuel Adam Foster – aka Samuel Adam Mahama – believed to be the brother or half-brother of former President John Dramani Mahama. The latter may very well be the proverbial “Smoking-Gun” in this felonious racket, the culpability for which the European Airbus SE Corporation was slapped with a € 3 Billion pretrial or rather trial-avoidance fine. Indeed, from a conversation that I had with Prof. Thompson Kofi Sarkodie-Gyan a couple of weeks ago, Samuel Adam Mahama may very well have been the former boyfriend or lover of Francesca, the “Gala-Ball” woman who was deviously fobbed off on the University of Texas, El-Paso, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Robotics, the Lordina Mahama maternal uncle, after the latter had made a solemn familial appeal for the hand of a morally upright wife material.
Anyway, as a deeply piqued Prof. Sarkodie-Gyan tells it, he would end up marrying Francesca and producing a son out of their very rough conjugal ride, as their relationship turned out to be. Today, the couple is divorced, and the groom has since gotten happily married to somebody else. Nevertheless, it well appears that Prof. Sarkodie-Gyan has never forgiven his infamous and very politically powerful nephew-in-law and former President John Dramani Mahama and his niece and Ghana’s former First Lady, Mrs. Lordina Mahama. It is a salacious story, the telling of which would take up much more space and time than a brief “newspaper” column like the present one. To hear the primary victim tell it like it is, Francesca was a veritable “Gala-Ball” because she would be coitally “inherited” like a hand-me-down shirt or pants by Little Dramani, when Brother Adam departed the warm and sandy beaches of Ghana for permanent residence, and later citizenship, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
At any rate, in the Mega-Heist European Airbus SE Scandal, it was the judge or judges and the prosecutors handling the case who specifically and publicly indicated that they would be eager to share legally and judicially incriminating evidence with the governments of any of the five nations involved in the payola scandal, if certain critical stipulations or criteria could be met, including an undertaken or promise that the human rights of the criminal suspects in the Mafia-like racket would not be slapped with the death penalty. The countries involved in Airbus’ criminal business dealings included, of course, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan. So, it is clear that the Special Prosecutor has predicated his judgment call or invitation to Mr. Samuel Adam Mahama on tangible evidence that may have been availed him by UK’s Serious Fraud Court (SFC), some of whose officials he recently traveled to the UK to confer with.
We are also informed that three other criminal suspects have been issued invitations by the Special Prosecutor. The names of these apparent criminal accomplices are Mr. Philip Sean Middlemiss, Mss. Sarah Davis and Sarah Furnean. It is highly unlikely that the prosecution of the prime suspects in the Airbus’ racket, the Ghanaian equation or side of the equation, that is, will drag on for an unnecessarily long time. But, of course, we are talking about Sovereign and Democratic Ghana, where the turning of the metaphorical wheels of justice may very well be the slowest of its kind anywhere in the world. The eruption of the Coronavirus Pandemic ought not to be made a palpable excuse to either botch the prosecutorial or judicial aspect of this case.
Death, even on the humongous scale of the Spanish Flu, SARS, Aids, Ebola and what have you, never brought the world and human life and activities to a screeching halt or even an actual standstill, to speak much less about a virtual standstill. In short, the Coronavirus Pandemic may just turn out to be significantly no different from all those of its kind that happened in the past.
*Visit my blog at: Ghanaffairs
By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr.,
PhD English Department,
SUNY-Nassau Garden City, New York