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Opinions of Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Columnist: Dr. John-Baptist Naah

NPP Party is running serious diarrhea from President Mahama’s meteoric victory

New Patriotic Party (NPP) flag New Patriotic Party (NPP) flag

The NPP has always downplayed the relevance of former President John Dramani Mahama (JDM) in Ghana’s body politic after he was ousted in 2016.

On numerous occasions, JDM has been the target of corruption and unfounded insults. However, his extremely tolerant demeanor has endeared him to the majority of Ghanaians.

Even in their over 6 years in government, the NPP never misses any opportunity to blame the NDC and President Mahama for their ineffectiveness and economic mismanagement of our national resources.

Former President Mahama has proven to be a gargantuan asset for the NDC Party and Ghana as a whole. The delegates gave him another overwhelming and meteoric victory of 99% of the total valid votes cast in the Party’s national presidential primaries.

This handsome victory for JDM to be the flagbearer and leader of the largest opposition in Ghana is a demonstration of the deep love and respect Ghanaians have for him. Ghanaians are indeed yearning for JDM to return to the presidency to complete his ordained purpose for Ghana.

The NPP is simply sleeping on the job and making the lives of Ghanaians so miserable and hard. Therefore, the governing NPP Party has no electoral message for Ghanaians going into the 2024 general elections.

The latest suit against former President Mahama by the known NPP member, Kenneth Kwabena Agyei Kuranchie to disqualify him from contesting to be a Flagbearer or the presidency is evidence of diarrhea-like reactions from the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia-led regime and the NPP Party as a whole.

I have a few questions in this regard as follows.

Where was the NPP member when President Mahama contested in the 2020 general elections and nearly won the presidency?

Is it not highly frivolous and a waste of everyone’s time to be asking the SC to listen to a suit, which seeks to bar JDM from becoming a Flagbearer when the NDC Party has already handsomely elected him with 99% to lead the Party in 2024?
Why can’t the failing Akufo-Addo-Bawumia-led regime rather focus on fulfilling their social contract with Ghanaians and stop diverting the attention of Ghanaians to this suit against JDM?

The image of the Supreme Court (SC) is already bruised by current controversial rulings on the cases of birth certificates and James Gyakye Quayson. Well-meaning Ghanaians are going to watch how the SC will handle this ill-intended suit.

Ghana deserves to be rescued by former President Mahama and the NDC Party. The signs are written on the wall even before the December 2024 polls. As the good Book says, let no one touch the anointed!