Opinions of Sunday, 6 April 2008

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

NPP Presidential Candidate - a Prescription for Disaster

The Current’08 NPP Presidential Candidate __a Prescription for Disaster

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential candidate Akufo Addo and his cronies believe the UP tradition including the presidency of Ghana is their entitlement to use and monopolize the current NPP for their egocentric interest without thinking of the consequences.

Credible sources of information from Akufo Addo’s campaign camp have sent warning signals to this so called presidential candidate not to play election year politics with Ghanaians. They are not toys to be played with; they know who Akufo Addo is. The majority of Ghanaians both at home and abroad are aware of the events that took place at the NPP National Delegates Conference at the University of Ghana Legone. These events are still fresh in the minds of Ghanaians, who have to be vigilant about Akufo Addo’s movements until general elections are over. With all these dilemmas, the proponents of Akufo Addo have now acknowledged the tensions within the NPP which will lead to the crisis ahead have now becomes real. Akufo Addo had a secret plan to nominate Dan Kwaku Botwe as his Vice president for the upcoming general elections. This is a prescription for disaster in 08 elections, if he has the audacity to carry out his ethnic trabalistic actions. Now the fact that, NDC is seriously considering Betty Mould Iddrisu from Kwabre Mamponteng Constituency in the Ashanti region as their vice president is also a good message for Akufo Addo and his Lord Commey ; the NPP, National Youth Organizer the criminal who has a master plan to steal elections for his favorites. Now Alan’s supporters from the Ashanti , Brong Ahafo, Central and Northern region, have a choice between Betty Mould, and the opportunistic sycophant Akufo Addo who stole the election from their candidate from the Ashanti , Brong Ahafo, Central and Northern region. The party powerbrokers who think they are unstoppable with hegemonic authorities are now saying the ethnic conflict in the northern region with Dagombers who are the main traditional UP members have now split into two. These are the major factors that have created a dilemma in the northern region for the party as a whole. The Andanis and Abudus situation has created a political dilemma to pick a Vice Presidential candidate which can continue to lead to civil unrest if one side is favored over the others.

The question is; is it a good thing for a political party’s in country to continue to pick their vice presidents base on ethnicity on certain geographical area which they believe can translate into votes? If politician continue with this pattern in the long term will have a profound negative impact on the country’s political structures. It sad for our founding fathers of UP members who sacrificed their lives to build this UP tradition for some people now to use their sacrifices without boundaries for their economic and political ambitions in addition to determine who should get what. It is also sad that the daughters and sons of our founding fathers went to convention to select an intelligent young candidate who will advance the cause of the UP traditional principles for the next generation. Unfortunately, Lord Commey’s and Akufo Addo’s criminal act has resulted a poor choice of candidate for the party. Now Akufo Addo has the nerves to proclaim himself as a winner who is not a formidable candidate to carry the UP traditions agenda for word. This aforementioned candidate has many damaging dirty Laundryn in his political closet which the opposition NDC party has proposed to review as early as June and July to the world and UP traditional members for electing a criminal to lead this tradition. According to the information I have obtained from inside NDC circles this will be too damaging to the current UP traditions party, the NPP.

Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)

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