Opinions of Monday, 21 October 2024

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

NPP defector Hopeson Adorye should stop acting malevolently childishly towards NPP

Hopeson Adorye Hopeson Adorye

Now, defector Hopeson Adorye once worked tirelessly to ensure that the NPP came to power. He traveled abroad campaigning and encouraging interested Ghanaians residing overseas to financially support then NPP presidential candidate Nana Akufo-Addo and help NPP win the 2016 election.

Due to his active support for the NPP, Hopeson Adorye narrowly escaped imprisonment in 2013 when he was found guilty of contempt of court along with the late Lawyer Owusu Afriyie, also known as Sir John, by the Atuguba Supreme Court. This demonstrates how dedicated Hopeson has been to the NPP, even risking his life along the way.

Yes, politics is about numbers and making choices. Therefore, if Hopeson has decided to follow Mr. Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng, also known as Alan Cash, for personal reasons, that's fine with him. No one holds any grudge against him.

However, for Hopeson to publicly criticize the NPP and some personalities in the party for absurd reasons is a low blow.

If he has realized that he made a wrong choice by aligning with Alan when he split from the NPP to form his Butterfly Movement for Change, he should reconsider his decision instead of tarnishing the reputation of the NPP.

Attacking Asante Bediatuo and alleging that he caused his illness by spiritually sending back an evil spell intended for him is a childish revelation by Hopeson.

The NPP has not been cruel or ungrateful towards Hopeson, as far as I can remember. They supported him in contesting for a parliamentary seat in a suburb of Accra during the 2020 election, although he lost to the NDC.

He was also offered an appointment by President Nana Akufo-Addo and even traveled with the president on some foreign missions.

Hopeson, I advise you to stop your childish behavior aimed at demonizing the NPP and instead focus on enhancing the chances of the NDC in the upcoming December 7, 2024, general election.

The NPP will win the election regardless of any damning revelations of criminal acts committed by the party but hidden from the public.

Come back as a prodigal son, and you will be welcomed back into the NPP fraternity. We are even willing to accept Alan, your mentor, back into the NPP fold.

A word to the wise is enough.