Opinions of Sunday, 13 July 2008

Columnist: Mensah, Humphrey Tettey

NPP electoral hocus pocus revealed

Ladies and Gentlemen: NPP are too guilty to leave office but their time is up and no matter who, or how many they recruit, no matter what ethnic groups are thrown out or brought in, no matter who is promoted, and given strategic command, the people are tired and feel that enough is enough. The nation believes that the NPP government must go in this year's elections. They are desperate to retain power. NPP MUST GO NOW…

NPP you are warned. Stop these unscrupulous behaviours. Be honest and don’t take us for fools. YOU ARE WARNED!!! Quality of honesty applies to all behaviors. NPP cannot run away from their cheating behavior. NPP is NOT fair, genuine, loyal, trustworthy, and truthful at all. NPP IS A LIE LIE PARTY WITH CROOKS AND DRUG DEALERS. One cannot refuse to consider factual information, for example, in an unbiased manner and still claim that one's knowledge, belief, or position is an attempt to be truthful. Such a belief is clearly a product of one's desires and simply has nothing to do with the human ability to know. Basing one's positions on what one wants — rather than unbiased evidence gathering — is dishonest even when good intentions can be cited — after all even villains could cite good intentions and intended glory for a select group of people. Clearly then, an unbiased approach to the truth is a requirement of honesty. Under the NPP, the country is polarized and drug peddling is part of their status quo. Nepotisms, kickbacks, cheating, looting, corruption, armed robbery, killing of innocent people, prostitution is on the increase, prices of basic goods and services are ridiculous and many more. The NPP has no moral values whatsoever. NPP has no shame whatsoever .Because intentions are closely related to fairness and certainly affect the degree of honesty/dishonesty, there is wide spread confusion about honesty. There is also a general belief that we always realize when we are dishonest. NPP never accepted their fault and move on. They will rather lie till their dying day. They are not honest and they cannot be trusted. However, self-perception of our morals is non-static. It's often at the moment we refuse to consider other perspectives that there is a clear indication we are not really interested in the truth and therefore dishonest. NPP has failed Ghanaians and has taken the electorate for granted. Akufo-Addo and his cohorts should come clean and stop the nonsense because Ghanaians are tired of their lies. NPP COME CLEAN!!! Ladies and Gentlemen: NPP is vindictive, callous, and vicious and must be voted out for good. They are the devil incarnate…….thieves…maggots…..cheaters…..looters..

These are some of the reasons why NPP should be voted out…..

1. NPP is a quasi organization of the Police Force. Their intention is to recruit more NPP men and women into the Police force to help intimidate the NDC fanatics, jail some of them, beat them in the coming elections and also to disfranchise them. WE ARE READY FOR YOUR NONSENSE NPP….

2. I would like the people of Ghana to know that, this time around juju will not work for the NPP. Akuffo-Addo has habitually been visiting countries like Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Togo etc for magical powers (voodoo). Ladies and gentlemen, in 2000 and 2004 elections, Kufour went to a place in Niger called (wanzereba) to seek magical powers for the elections. The fact of the matter is, there is a very powerful woman in that town with only one breast. Kufour went and sucked that one breast for powers and it worked for him, but this time around it will not work. Akuffo-Addo can go and suck that breast, it will not work. WE HAVE MORE DETAILS……STAY TUNED FOR MORE..

3. Alhaji Fusseini Maign who is the spiritual adviser to Kufour knew that this time around juju will not save Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. WE HAVE MORE FACTS….

4. I will like to take this opportunity to warn the governor of Bank of Ghana to put a stop to whatever he is doing. Governor, please stop cutting extra money for the NPP campaign. YOU ARE WARNED!!! What a disgrace. One of your men leaked the information to me so please stop the nonsense. PEOPLE KNOW…..if you don’t put a stop to this nonsense hell will break loose.

5. Akuffo-Addo made a diplomatic passport for some illiterate fool called OBRI for drug business. OBRI is in charge of Akuffo-Addo’s drug affairs. OBRI YOU ARE WARNED!!! Don’t try the nonsense again because you will be caught at the airport. PEOPLE KNOW…Akuffo-Addo want to be president….TORFIAKWA…

6. Kufour gave Ashantihene and Ashantihemaa diplomatic immunity for a big time drug business. Today they are crying waa waa because they are worried that if Akuffo-Addo wins, that priviledge will be taken away from them. Akuffo-Addo sent his wife, Mrs. Apraku, Mrs. Aliu Mahama to go and assured them that Kufour legacy will be continued that is why last week the Ahantihemaa came out and said that the NPP will win the election. What a shame!!! Please be advised that NPP will lose the election so your diplomatic immunity will be taken away from you.

7. Shamsu Quaqua who is always the committee chairman for hajj is in serious drug racketeering business. PEOPLE KNOW…he is in charge of cocaine affairs for the NPP.You will be caught the next time you come to the States. We know your contacts and the hotel you and the Veep slept. YOU ARE WARNED!!!

8. The vice President recently visited the United States with four other drug barons. These guys are in serious drug racketeering business. The Veep came with Shamsu Quaqua; one of the dealers is the only one who drives HAMMER at Bolga, and two other drug cronies. Abubakar Saddique Boniface the Minister for water resources, works and housing is involved with this drug business. Be careful because people know. The vice president is also in drug business. WHAT A SHAME1!! WE SHALL SEE……. ALL EYES ARE WATCHING.

9. The NPP has allocated some huge amount of cocaine money to all the polling agents in order to buy vote. We are aware of all the tricks and ready to match them booth for booth. OUR VOTES ARE NOT FOR SALE…….PEOPLE KNOWS….YOU ARE WARNED!!!

10. We don’t want Ghana to be like Kenya, Zimbabwe, etc.Akuffo-Addo your intention to rig the elections has been revealed. Trust me we have all the details so don’t try that nonsense. Dan Botwe, Arthur Kennedy, Lord Commey, Kennedy Agyepong, and all the NPP CAMPAIGN TEAM you are warned!!! PEOPLE KNOW… STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILS……..

11. This question goes to Akuffo-Addo……. Can you tell Ghanaians about KOWUS MOTORS AND THE GOVERNMENT OF GHANA?

Electoral Commission YOU ARE WARNED. We know how much you guys collected from the NPP before you guys allowed them announced the election in 2004. Don’t try that nonsense again… YOU ARE WARNED…..

The NPP promised the good people of Ghana heaven on earth and i hope Akuffo-Addo’s campaign team will respond to the following questions:

1. What happened to the jobs promised to the youth?

2. What happened to the size of government, which they said was too big when the NDC was in power?

3. What happened to the cost of living, which they promised to reduce when voted into office?

4. What happened to the affordability theory in relation to the pricing of utilities, fuel, and services?

5. What happened to their zero tolerance for corruption?

6. What happen to selective justice?

7. What happen to armed robbery?

8. What happen to security?

9. What happen to fairness?

10. What happen to good governance?

I would also like to add another sensible question, now that crude oil prices are rising globally and the government appears to have frozen any further fuel price increases, how exactly are we going to pay for this now?

I am calling on Nana Akufo- Addo the Presidential Candidate of the NPP propaganda machinery who has been perpetually lying to the electorates to answer these questions. In claiming to be the champions of democratic governance and the rule of law, surely the Leader of the NPP is acquainted with the challenges the concept of collective responsibility imposes on government and its leadership.

Akuffo-addo come clean about your drug peddling, credentials, drug use, looting, incompetence, kickbacks, rigging of elections, and blood on your hands. Do you really think you can rig this year election and become the next president? TORFIAKWA… you will be shocked. AKUFO-ADDO have to answer the good people of Ghana instead of wasting their time insulting Mrs Rawlings, we are telling Nana Akuffo addo and all his supporters to do the following simple things:

1. Publish the name of the recognized school/institution from which he obtained his law degree. This could be in the form of a certificate. Even if the original certificate is missing the institution could provide him with a copy.

2. Confirm exactly what his role was at Coudert Fréres (Brothers), “a major US law firm,” at their Paris office.

3. As for him being called to the Bar in Ghana or elsewhere, we will investigate that when the authenticity of his published certificates are determined.

We believe once the above points are fully addressed by Nana and his supporters the whole world will know the path Nana Akuffo-Addo took to become a Lawyer. God Bless our homeland Ghana.


Humphrey Tettey Mensah (BOOKER TEE) Email: htmensah@yahoo.com