Opinions of Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Columnist: Iddrisu Abdul Hakeem

NPP's November 4 race: Enough of the voodoo economics – ENOUGH!

NPP flag NPP flag

A funny story about the collapsing economy of Germany prior to the ascension of Adolf Hitler, has it that a certain lady loaded a wheelbarrow with cash to go and buy a loaf of bread at the bakery.

When she arrived at the bakery, she left the money in the wheelbarrow outside while bargaining with the baker. After reaching an equilibrium, she came out for the money to pay, but a thief surprisingly stole only the wheelbarrow without touching the huge sum of money.

Ideally, such a hilarious story was illustrated by Robert Kiyosaki to demonstrate how money became simply worthless and valueless, and assets were what financially intelligent people became interested in at that time. I see a new Ghana where one day citizens with good conscience will choose honesty over cash. And as Benjamin Franklin said, "Honesty is the best policy. It will always be".

And former President, Mahama’s honesty shall bring him back as the next president of Ghana, come January 2025. In Sha Allah.

Recently, I was catapulted beyond cloud nine and transported to nirvana, when Kennedy Agyapong was claimed to have rejected an 800 million dollar bribe from the DMB (Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia) team to induce him out of the flagbearership race. His destiny race.

I believe this Bawumia-Kennedy era in the NPP is an eye-opener; young girls would learn to keep their “bellies” after the unthinkable. The race has been narrowed to the duo due to their birth circumstances. It may largely be because of the evil works of their “Malams” if Kennedy Agyapong has
one as a Christian, the reality remains that such a Malam must have been a product of a “belly” to be able to perform a wonder of this caliber.

Zeroing the contest to the two. I mean, who could have believed that Dr. Bawumia with this zenith of economic catastrophic performance would have had this level of command in a political party that claims to be a destination for intellectuals?

In an objective digression, this is a piece of advice to all young men and women who might have secretly and illegally “chopped love” and got “bellies”. Don’t abort, as Kennedy Agyapong always advises, and kill a life in addition to the sin. Yes, you never can tell what the child will grow up to become. Perhaps,
they shall grow up to become Vice Presidents of countries (Ghana), business moguls like Kennedy Agyapong, “lecturers” and “Malams” who specialized in evil such as making Bawumia still part of a crucial race like this despite the economic mess he has created.

Moving on, for the Kennedy Agyapong team to have rejected the bribe was a good fight against evil and a sign that Ghana can still be hopeful, although the duo have their snouts, each, in the pot of this current economic mess.

The truth is that not only the triumph of DMB in this Nov 4 flagbearership race would Ghana be perpetually condemned to the backwaters of civilization, but the continuation and perpetuity of that political party in government, shall spell doom for the nation and would have more disastrous than Hamas' attacks on Israel, to Ghana. Whether Dr. Bawumia or Kennedy Agyapong as president, of Ghana
would continue to be under the grip of economic “bastardization”.

Bawumia is rather worse. The man is practically miles away from truth and honesty in handling the economy. Otherwise, there’s no problem becoming president of Ghana because of his birth circumstances though not in this 2024 presidential election. Maybe one day if he becomes a military junta, he shall rule as the longest-serving head of state surpassing even late former President Jerry John Rawlings.

But someone must remind Dr. Bawumia that the longest verse in the Holy Qur’an is “ayatul Dain” (verse of debt). And that, the Prophet Muhammad admonishes Muslims not to die while owing anybody anything even if it is an atom-size debt on you.
But, you see, fellow Ghanaians, if there's anything history teaches us, it is that we never learn anything taught by history.

And our case is rather worse in Ghana. It was this same anomaly, former President Mahama belabored and lamented when he said Ghanaians seem to have short memories.

Robert T. Kiyosaki, in his Book, "Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ" declared former President George W. Bush II as the worst president in human history. Yes, not only in American history but the whole of humanity. His argument is simple: George Bush was the only president who recklessly borrowed more money than all US presidents combined. And for Kiyosaki, perhaps, it was a sort of punishment (what we call a curse in our African parlance) of God upon former President Bush’s administration due to the unjustifiable war he waged against Iraq, and perhaps the fabrication of the 911 attacks, based upon pure
lies fueled by what Kiyosaki describes as unsubstantiated claims.

According to many conspiracy theories reported by the BBC in 2018, the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, were created by the US government itself led by former President Bush.

Available at; https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending- 42195513&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjHufK1zaGCAxUdUEEAHVw8BNsQFnoECAMQAg&usg=AOvVaw2qdYzZH

Fellow Ghanaians, does the borrowing spree by President Akufo Addo ring any bell in our ears, judging from how he meandered into power with luggage and baggage of accusations against him to the effect that, the death of JB Dankwa-Adu was not a murder, but for voodoo purposes – human sacrifice. From the horse’s mouth. The assassin later claimed, behind bars, that he was not an armed robber but a contract ritual murderer who was given a special dagger to end the late former Abuakwa North MP's precious life.

Not only that, as I attempted to expose in my previous epistle, "The Rise and Fall of President Akufo Addo...Part II" where a confessor confessed to a local preacher about some 300 frogs that were buried alive having bushed amulets in their mouths and sewed up; the flaying of a live cow and burying it alive
after certain demonic verses and symbols were sketched upon its flesh etc. All this for someone to win political power.

Like George Bush, could these allegations be President Akufo Addo's own "war in Iraq" and “September 11” which may have haunted and haunted him into this gargantuan borrowing spree like the Bush administration? It’s flabbergasting.

And why did President Akufo Addo plagiarize none other than former President Bush's inaugural speech during his inauguration as incoming president of Ghana in 2017? An indication he was going to become the most useless and worst president in Ghana's history? Or Robert Kiyosaki put it, the worst president in human history?

Pay attention fellow Ghanaians as I unmask this masquerade and unfold the mystery surrounding our dear president rumored to be the devil himself in our clime and time. A result of which Ghana is being gripped by this economic do-or-die situation.

As the global leader of the world economy, the financial and economic crash that hit the world in 2007- 2008, was technically the collapse of the American economy which harbored the Federal Reserve Bank.

And that happened under the stewardship of former President George Bush. The supposedly worst adjudged president in the whole of human history. It's said that when you have fallen, don't search for the cause of the accident where you fell; rather, where you stumbled and tumbled. Our agony of economic pain today is not really about external shocks from the global level. Not really. Those who have been at the helm of our affairs are the cause of it.

Largely due to very inconsistent, criminal, “malamistic”(voodoo), and very merciless economic management style. A very good example of the Akufo Addo government is like a tailor apprentice who wants to practice how to sew but instead of unwanted material, usually an empty cement bag, he is using the Christmas material of a poor man. Luckily for us, in our case in Ghana, the apprentice is still making some dangerous cuts in the material (the economy).

If we take back our material in time, at least we can get a better tailor to work on it. That’s why the NPP’s voodoo economics must stop.

"Voodoo economics" alias supply-side economics, was an economic policy coined by the Ronald Reagan administration in the 1980s where taxes were generally suspended and cut to run the economy based on borrowing to pay government's bills. At the end of Reagan's tenure of office, however, he alone accumulated a whopping two trillion dollars in debt.

As any student of international politics may know, in the USA, the democrats are known for their reliance on taxes to "spend"(or loot as we say in Africa). And the Republicans are also known for their reliance on and allegiance to borrowing to "spend".

Fellow Ghanaians, the reason I call upon every Tom Dick and Hurry, to rise against the devilish government of President Akufo Addo, and whoever he is planning to hand over to within the NPP, is not only about allegations leveled against him as a ritualistic and "malamistic" politician who relies on
voodoo to win political power but because of the president's confused economic policies of combining the styles of raising funds by both Democrats and Republicans in the USA, to run the Ghanaian economy. While this can be diagnosed as a shameful symptom of incompetence and confusion, it is pathetic that the government of Ghana is bragging about it. Ignorantly.

But the worst is this. President Akufo Addo has even gone beyond a combination of Democrats and Republicans: every mineral we ever have in this country has been mortgaged to a foreign government. While the Chinese are extracting our gold and Bauxite leased to them, Australians have been given the nod
to extract Potassium. This is despite unfortunate borrowings, taxes, and both legal and illegal taxes. E-levy is a fraud!

What is perplexing and intriguing in the Ghanaian situation is that, as I have pointed out, severally, in my previous epistles, the inconsistency, double-standard, and unprincipled political ideology of the New Patriotic Party which resonates with the above anomaly, is quite spine-chilling. One can't simply find a more directionless political party beyond the current NPP under Akufo Addo. It’s simply flailing with the economy drowning.

For example, the claim that the NPP are liberal democrats but always governing with the principles of social democracy is downrightly unprincipled. This is due to a shortage of knowledge. It is the NDC which is said to be a social democratic party that should have solely been governed upon the principle of social democratic ideology. The fundamental difference between the two is that, social democratic government always intervenes in the market to somehow determine prices of goods and services for citizens.

They ensure social intervention programs are created to compete with the private
sector. It’s leaned towards socialism. The opposite is liberal democratic government’s ideals where everyone is left unto themselves to survive in the market.

Meanwhile, ironically, it has always been the NPP that claims to be liberal democrats those who initiate social intervention programs. And there's a fraudulent element and reason for the usurpation of this ideal of social democrats: thievery and corruption.

Only God knows the godforsaken amount the Akufo Addo-led government has stolen from Free senior high school education as a policy. And other offensive slogans they have been chanting in the name of flagship social intervention programs they have initiated over the last seven years. The dried and drained-of-cash nature of the economy is a classic testament to this reality.

Fellow Ghanaians, as the NPP attempts to unabashedly stay in power come rain or shine with a sense of audacity and mendacity, believe me, it's not about anything new they want to give Ghana. The same poison is what they are rebranding in a different bottle. The plan has been to protect themselves from
incarceration with a smokescreen government beyond 2024. Because some of their thievery activities would continue to be as fresh as cheese in our minds.

A new government that comes won't spare them. It is why Akufo Addo has staffed up the Supreme Court with "his judges". I have a firm conviction that those he points to occupy the apex echelons of our justice system know their constitutional mandate and have the requisite conscience and humanity, to
help free Ghana from her paralyzing shackles.

Our elders say the remaining of a snake becomes a rope if the head is being cut off. Dr. Bawumia has been responsible for our economic pain today. He is Ghana’s Hamas, we must not allow him to attack "economic Israel" he can’t fight (manage). His claims of arresting the cedi, locking it up, and handing the
key to the IGP, later turned out to be a combustion of humiliation when the cedi broke the jail and galloped to ¢20 per dollar.

Like Hamas, it was an unwarranted attack on the economy with his adoption of unintelligent and incompetent economic policies as Chairman of the Economic Management Team (EMT). And if he was only the chairman for the EMT, yet this has been our state of affairs today, what shall become of us when he becomes president? It's in this light I call upon every citizen not to allow the current economic situation to escalate with people with textbook economics management mentality to further mess up our lives.

Forget and avoid Harvard-trained economists without principles, and dishonesty being stock in trade. Fundamentally, if there's any one single biggest "political Hamas" and nightmare in the country, it's for the NPP to break the 8. Ghana would become hotter and worse than hell. Today in Ghana, if you're the
generous and merciful type, how many people do you give money for food in a day?

In today's Ghana, on average, four (4) people would stop you in the street and ask you for food and some top-up “trotro” (taxi) fare to their destination. In my thirty years of life and reading history, I have never seen a government and its ministers so brimming and overflowing with cash, yet the people are committing suicide due to hunger.

Let every citizen therefore realize, that breaking the so-called 8 means breaking Ghana into smithereens. The current hardship shall be remembered as Ghana's Eldorado and Silicon Valley of economic prosperity if NPP is allowed to continue this gangsterism. I don't think that would be what any reasonable Ghanaian would want for themselves, their loved ones, or the future of this country itself in the pantheon of nations after the 2024 polls.

Fellow Ghanaians, this is the time to stop it. Whoever doesn’t believe our dear president is a gangster and a thief has done Ghana a serious disservice. The signs are clearer now for every observer to see, that there's an asymmetrical treatment in the upcoming flagbearership race. Dr. Bawumia is Akufo Addo’s dialing boy. And a political moral hazard has been given him by him as a result. The question is, must delegates of the NPP allow such a colossally failed president to determine our future by foisting someone he is far better than to cover the embarrassed leadership legacy he has created in the last seven years?

The fundamental question I challenge all level-headed Ghanaians to ask themselves is this: if Akufo Addo deceived Ghanaians that he was capable of turning our country into a prosperous nation within eighteen months of leadership, but after almost eight years in government what he can only boast of is a gigantic national debt with unprecedented economic hardship, what at all can he and his cronies do again with the galloping, gaping, irredeemable, and irreparable economic mess?

Ghana was said to have all the resources as he claimed, to turn Ghana's economy around and rightfully so, Ghana had the resources. If today those resources have been churned out to foreign governments in exchange for a few coins to jet around the globe, let's ask ourselves, is Akufo Addo and his "men" who are now jostling today to take over from him to continue with their borrow-and-share economic management, are what we need as a country?

Especially when the economy is now in jeopardy due to their frustrating display of incompetence?

Anybody who thinks it's okay for the NPP to continue in power with this economic debris from their present administration needs a curer of mad people. At this juncture, any form of support for the ruling party, which is not aimed at getting them out of power, is a betrayal of our country. It is treachery.

Fellow Ghanaians, if there are any "Hamas attacks" Ghanaians must stop at all costs in order not to provoke and unleash powerful “economic Israel” upon Ghana, it's to ensure that the NPP doesn't even get to participate in the 2024 presidential polls. We can use lobbying. Well-meaning Ghanaians must persuade
members of the NPP to please distance themselves from the country's leadership, at least for 50 years.

The point is that there's no need to select who should lead this now dismantled contraption once called political party, NPP.

I hear Alan Kyerematen is being persuaded to rejoin the NPP again for unity and healing. I laughed in Frafra when I recently saw that some unprincipled politicians within the NPP are calling for his return.

That would be the greatest form of embarrassment any desperate political coward can subject himself to. Alan would colossally disgrace himself having to collect his spittle in the air with his face.

Whoever suggests such gibberish to Alan is insulting him. Such a person is his open foe. And Alan would be his unmitigated political disaster to ever contemplate about such. Moreover, what can an elephant that develops the wings of a butterfly do? It can neither fly nor run on its legs if Alan were
to collect back the spat he released just a while ago. Such a hybrid elephant is condemned and doomed to the wrath and vagaries of the Harmattan wildfire.

The NPP, In Sha Allah, shall not survive the impending doom in the fast-approaching 2024 general elections. The final political baptism of fire!
God Shall Choose to have Mercy Upon Ghanaians; God shall set Ghana free from her dispassionate destroyers and Harvard-trained voodoo economists.