Opinions of Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Columnist: Yussif, Ikleel

Nana Addo behind NPP's violent nature.

In the past,an entire nation would be ruled by a king and his handful of ministers, only the elite had the power to play with.

Over the centuries, power has gradually become more and more democratised and diffused, this has created however a common misperception that groups no longer have centers of power, like pressure groups,civil societies, religious bodies etc.because that power is spread out and scattered among many people.

Actually, however, power has changed in its numbers but not in its essence. Ghana after election 2008 and 2012 was very lucky not to have turned or become like Rwanda and the single selfish individual whose crave for power nearly resulted in a civil war is still pursuing that ambition. Moreover, NPP delegates have the say now but the final say rest the on the floating voters, the followers of the smaller parties, as you can see NPP supporters alone cannot give them the 50+1 votes they will need to win, in that case, if the delegates think they want Npp into power come 2016 then, they should know that shouting grassroots or foot soldiers is never the substitute for thinking far ahead, the earlier they wake up the better for them. Nana Addo and his campaign managers do have to know who they are dealing with, they can never assume that everyone will react to their strategies in the same way as they have succeeded in seducing some of the delegates with money to their side.The floating voters, sympathizers of the smaller parties have now wise up and does not need any of the aspirants money to vote for him,they rather vote for a peaceful person. Nana Addo himself knows that Ghanaians don't easily forget what has transpired after 2012 election and would not want him anywhere near the presidential elections, they believe Ghana would not be lucky next time and if he stands for the presidential slot for ten times, he would be rejected eleven times. Npp should not be deluded into believing that Ghanaians will vote for him for sympathy, if that be the case, then Alan K would be that lucky, that is if Nana dies.because Ghanaians do recognise a person when he is dead,then his successor would be lucky to get the sympathy votes.

Unfortunately grandpa knows this but his avarice for power has made him hide behind the scene perpetrating violence since politicians always come out to deny what they are guilty of.,

In every group that the members or the followers are violent,you will find out that there may be one or two selfish individuals who have an agenda and would want to succeed at all cost, this is obvious,in every group power is concentrated in the hands of one or two people, for this is one area in which human nature never changed.People will congregate around a single selfish personality like planet orbiting the sun.

Finally, Npp, to labour under the illusion that this kind of troublesome people can change is to make endless mistakes, waste no time and energy and never hit the target, people who are smart do not waste time in rejecting such people's candidacy. Outwardly, they may play along with the game pretending to stand for peace and have learnt lessons from the past but inwardly,they stand on what plans doing. Ikleel yussif