“As a country our enemies are low investment, lack of skills, poor infrastructure, short term and blinkered horizons. Papa Kwesi Nduom (PKN) is unashamedly a long termist. He is Purposeful, Keen and a Nation builder (PKN)” Sally Bentsi – Enchill Addressing the A.G.I.
At four successive Presidential and Parliamentary elections, Ghanaians have refused to grant the CPP their trust. They keep sending us to the exile of opposition. What is important is the message Ghanaians are telling us. Do not retreat, do not fragment, do not be at each others throat rather rethink and review so as to be able to come back with a better and a new prospectus for a new government.
For our generation and our time, CPP must exist not only to defend the gains of the past but to forge a new future for itself and our country. Our job is to honour the past but not to live in it. I am not saying that CPP’s principles and values (ideology) are its problems, far from it. They still retain their validity and support among the public. What the majority of Ghanaians are asking us to do is to give modern expression to these values, to distinguish clearly between the principles themselves and its application.
We believe that Paa Kwesi Nduom has the skills, humility and diplomatic skills to lead the CPP through this renewal. This is why we urge the CPP delegates, who will soon go to congress to vote massively for Paa Kwesi as our next presidential candidate. Paa Kwesi Nduom’s election as the flag bearer of our Party will buy us the trust Ghanaians have rightly denied us. Paa Kwesi Nduom understands that, to be able to win the next election the new and revitalised CPP will have to do more than defeat the NDC / NPP on grounds of incompetence, integrity and fitness to govern. Papa Kwesi Nduom will change the tide of ideas. Papa Kwesi Nduom will be embarking on a nationwide “Road show” Dubbed Listen & Learn. The idea behind this road show is to show that an Nduom led CPP Party is keen to consult with Ghanaians about our challenges and the choices and sacrifices we need to make in order to build a more enterprising economy. We are in this together.
Paa Kwesi Nduom understands our country’s call for change and its call for purpose, direction, drive, energy and above all its hope for national renewal. CPP our great Party stands at a crossroads and Paa Kwesi Nduom Stands ready. As a Party, are we going to look far? Are we going to deny our hardworking men and women the chance to earn a living wage? No!!! it falls on us as members of the only human centred Party to replace the minimum wage with a living wage. Having worked throughout the world and brought back many failing companies to make them successful global companies, Paa Kwesi Nduom has the expertise to work with international financial institutions to bring in the much need resources to start businesses and create jobs locally for our youth.
On the national front, Paa Kwesi Nduom as our inspirational leader will build us a youthful and enterprising Country that will lay aside the old prejudices that has dominated our once beautiful country. His All –inclusive agenda is designed to bring together all hard working Ghanaians on board the huge task of nation building. Paa Kwesi’s diplomatic and unifying skills would ensure that jobs no longer go to card bearing members of the ruling party- something started by NDC and doesn’t seem to be ending under NPP.
Throughout his career Paa Kwesi has shown that he understands how to build successful organisations. He will bring a new sense of purpose to the business of managing our nation for all our people, built by and on behalf of all our people, for our generation and future generations. That is politics of inclusiveness, where everyone is a stakeholder. Paa Kwesi Nduom brings a new spirit based on working together, unity, patriotism and partnership. One Nation, one Ghana, will be the patriotism of the future. He will never encourage the politics that appeals to only one section of the community at the expense of another. Ghana deserves better. An Nduom led CPP administration will bring everyone onboard to build the young, creative and ambitious country. His administration will set Ghana on an ambitious course, to be nothing less than the model 21st century Nation, a beacon to Africa and the world, drawing deep into the richness of the Ghanaian character , creative, tolerant, outward looking- old Ghanaian values but new Ghanaian confidence.
As you go to congress remember that a Vote for Paa Kwesi Nduom is a vote for change and victory. Change is what Ghanaians want. And Paa Kwesi will help create a new CPP for a new Ghana.