Opinions of Thursday, 7 November 2019

Columnist: Razak Kojo Opoku

Nepotism began with the Holy Bible and Quran

President Akufo-Addo has been accused of nepotism by the NDC President Akufo-Addo has been accused of nepotism by the NDC

Both the Bible and Quran endorsed Family and Friends Administration if Sammy Gyamfi and his NDC paymasters and Members care to know.

Jesus Christ Disciples

Among the chosen 12 Disciples of Christ, the following were blood related:

1. Peter and Andrew

2. James and John

3. Jude and James

Prophet Muhammad Campanions

1. The first person to be converted to Islam and became the disciple of Prophet Muhammad was his first wife, Khadijah. Khadijah was a very resourceful, influential and wealthy merchant who solidly supported the spread of Islam.

2. Aisha, Prophet Muhammad's second wife equally was very instrumental in helping assemble the scattered sayings of Muhammad to sustain the Islamic faith.

3. Hamza, paternal half uncle of Muhammad contributed significantly to the course of his nephew Muhammad.

4. In-laws of Prophet Muhammad such as Um Ruman and Abu Bakr all played their part in the administration of Prophet Muhammad.

Moses The man who wrote the Torah and led Israel from Egypt appointed his elder Sister, Miriam and elder brother, Aaron to assist him in his administration.

The list is endless. Nepotism is not necessarily evil provided it serves the interest of humanity and society.

Countries such as United Kingdom, Spain, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc all have one particular family and lineage as the Head of State yet they are among the most successful and wealthy Nations in the World.

Akufo-Addo's family and friends Government is for the collective good of the Country, at least they have given: 1. Free SHS to over 1.2million Ghanaians

2. Jobs to over 100, 000 graduates under NABCO initiative.

3. Jobs to over 60,000 Youth in Afforestation.

4. Jobs and wealth to over 900, 000 Ghanaians under Planting for food and Jobs Programme.

5. Start up capital to hundreds of the Youth to start their own business under NEIP.

6. Stimulus package and Financial assistance to Ghanaians to set up their own factories under One District One Factory Policy.

7. Allowances to teachers and nurses trainees.

8. Restoration of confidence and credibility in the Banking and financial sector.

However, John Mahama's Family and Friends Government offered: 1. 4years prolonged Dumsor to Ghanaians thereby collapsing businesses in the Country.

2. Massive Corruption, Create, Loot and Share.

3. Cancellation of Teachers and Nurses trainees Allowances.

4. Over 70% of Ghana's Bauxite Concession to his Brother Ibrahim Mahama.

5. Collapsing of the Banking and financial sector.

So the difference is very clear between Akufo-Addo's family and friends Government, and John Mahama's Family and friends Government.