Opinions of Monday, 10 August 2015

Columnist: Baidoo, Philip Kobina

Nkrumahism, The Can Of Worms I Opened – War And Capitalism (2)

Quite a few of the people who read Mr Kwarteng’s idiocies are aware of the nonsense he churns out, but do not have the facts to counter it. So they let sleeping dogs to keep their peace. Others do not have the time to weave words together, and therefore give him the pass. Some perceive his lunacy as not worth their time. As a result, he prides himself to be infallible on the twaddle he spews from his keyboard. On the other hand, Philip Kobina Baidoo Junior is as crazy as he is, and he is able to squeeze seconds out of his tight schedule to neutralise the dangerous poison he is spreading on the net while he constantly quotes his lunatic writers to support his rubbish.

To destroy something, idea, character, personality and in this case capitalism you first have to demonise it. It is a classic method, which was advance by Plato in his Republic. He argued that to discredit an idea you just have to lampoon it in a popular play. It has been repeated over and over again. Hitler applied the tactics with lethal precision against his manufactured enemies. And, of course, the tragic denouement was the gas chambers and the cremation ovens in Auschwitz, Dachau, Sobibor, Buchenwald and many more. The Hutus before they butchered their fellow countrymen – the Tutsi, they demonised them by describing them as cockroaches. And the only thing you do with cockroaches is to crush them under the feet. And this is what Mr Kwarteng sought to accomplish in the first two articles he wrote. He moved heaven and earth to associate capitalism with slavery, war, drugs, money laundering, tax evasion, greed and any evil you can think of. He lacked the sense to rationalise that these are all human vices and irrespective of the philosophical economic foundation a society erects they will always surface one way or the other. Even Saudi Arabia that prides itself of having superior morality when it comes to human vices they are not any better. They are virtually in denial. There are evidence of alcoholism, AIDS, homosexuality and all the vices that they accuse the West of being decadent.

I want Mr Kwarteng to know that a capitalist is not stupid to tuck its tail between its legs and say please don’t hurt me. They will fight if you attack them. It is the statist, the communist, the Nazi, the fascist who resort to violence – war – because they cannot produce what they need. This is not a figment of my imagination. Behind their tax policies is the gun, because when you don’t pay they will with the power of the bullet lock you up and throw the keys away. This is the beginning of war. When the government does not respect the freedom and liberties of its citizens will it respect that of other nations?

This is some of the philosophies of a typical war monger, which Hitler courted. He imbibed the insidious writings of Fredrick Nietzsche whom he adored and had his picture taken gazing at the bust of this deranged philosopher. In his Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche wrote, ‘You shall love peace as a means to new wars – and the short peace more than the long.’ He argued that life is not worth it without war by saying, ‘One has renounced the great life when one renounces war.’ Nietzsche had no doubt in his mind regarding the relationship between war and courage by saying, ‘War and courage have done more great things than charity. Not your sympathy, but your bravery has saved the unfortunate.’ He further asserted that, ‘You say it is the good cause that justifies even war? I say to you: it is the good war which justifies every cause.’

Writing in his Human, All-Too-Human: Part One, 477. Under ‘War Indispensable’ he wrote, ‘Many other such substitutes for war will be discovered, but perhaps precisely thereby it will become more and more obvious that such a highly cultivated and therefore necessarily enfeebled humanity as that of modern Europe not only needs wars, but the greatest and most terrible wars, consequently occasional relapses into barbarism, lest, by the means of culture, it should lose its culture and its very existence.’ Lastly, in his Ecce Homo he wrote, ‘My paradise lies “in the shadow of my sword”.’ In conclusion to Nietzsche’s boyish blasphemy, as George Santayana puts it, he said, ‘It is nothing but fanaticism and beautiful soulism to expect very much (or even, much only) from humanity when it has forgotten how to wage war.’ These are the stuff that Hitler read; are you surprised that he started the Second World War? I can assure you no capitalist will write this nor promote it. It is the hallmark of socialist like Kwarteng who don’t even know the logical consequence of the ideas they espouse.

The mentality of Kwarteng reflects the infinite stupidity of Noam Chomsky when he argues against the bombing of the pharmaceutical complex in Sudan. The reason being that the factory produces medicine for millions of people and decommissioning it with a bomb inadvertently killed thousands of more than what Al Qaeda killed in Kenya and Tanzanian. This is the apogee of childish argument. Mr Kwarteng expects the Americans to do nothing when their embassies were attacked unprovoked by a fascist like Osama Bin Laden. Osama knew there will be retaliation, but he was counting on the silliness of Chomsky to mount the barricade.

The behaviour of Chamberlain was that of a typical capitalist. He didn’t want war pure and simple. The obsequiousness of this British Prime Minister, Arthur Neville Chamberlain, leading to the WWII to me even unashamed and avowed capitalist it is nauseating. He was a businessman who had come into politics and all his philosophies and thinking was underpinned by the fact that war is evil, and that trade cannot flourish under bombardment. But in a world that some people have no scruples, and prefer to take advantage of the majority’s desire for peace, there comes a time when lunacy must be met with force and inferno with inferno. Yet, he went ahead with appeasement upon appeasement. Chamberlain did not realise that you can never satisfy the insatiable appetite of blackmailer like Adolf Hitler. They could have stopped him when he occupied the demilitarised zone of the Rhineland in 1936. Then in two years later he presented his Anschluss to the rest of the world as a fait accompli. To Hitler’s surprise Great Britain headed by Arthur Neville Chamberlain and France by Édouard Daladier did not do anything. Hitler was emboldened and up the ante culminating in the disgraceful Munich Agreement, which led to the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia. That of France was unpardonable, because they had military agreement with Czechoslovakia to defend it, which they backed out in Munich. And according to Daladier quoted by William L Shirer in his ‘The Collapse of the Third Republic: An Inquiry into the Fall of France in 1940’, 1969, Da Capo Press, pp. 339–340. In his spinelessness he was in no doubt of Hitler’s ambition to ultimately secure, ‘a domination of the Continent in comparison with which the ambitions of Napoleon were feeble.’ He went further to assert that ‘today, it is the turn of Czechoslovakia. Tomorrow, it will be the turn of Poland and Romania. When Germany has obtained the oil and wheat it needs, she will turn on the West. Certainly we must multiply our efforts to avoid war. But that will not be obtained unless Great Britain and France stick together, intervening in Prague for new concessions but declaring at the same time that they will safeguard the independence of Czechoslovakia. If, on the contrary, the Western Powers capitulate again, they will only precipitate the war they wish to avoid.’ These were the sentiments of Daladier five month before Munich. Does this sound anything like a war monger?

I am not going to ask silly questions; I will tell you exactly what it is. It was the statist Italy that committed the last butchery in Africa by a European power. The atrocities of Germans in Namibia was not committed by the Nazis, it was done by Monarchist Germany. And, of course, they started the WW1 aided by Tsarist Russia and sucked in their capitalist allies. Again, it was the lunatic leaders of the political philosophies that Mr Kwarteng espouses that plunged the world into war once more in1939. They were Statist, Socialist, Dictatorship and communist a lethal combination of evil ideas. Communist Russia and Nazi Germany, these two evil states dismembered Poland, because they couldn’t produce for themselves ordinary necessities of life. In the case of the Soviet Union it was inexcusable, because they were supposed to be the champion of the oppressed. Can anybody believe that if the Polish people had dedicated their economy to a war economy would they have been overwhelmed and humiliated by the Nazis the way they did?

They say it poverty that breeds war, yet they reject the only system that produces wealth i.e. capitalism. What breeds poverty? The poorest people of the world don’t live in capitalist countries; they live in Africa, India, South America North Korea, Vietnam etc. These are countries that adopted socialism after independence in Africa, India and many more by default. The prosperity of a country depends on its freedom. And I don’t mean the Ghanaian freedom where the government controls everything.

Before the WWII the Ford motor company was not producing a single tank, however it converted to producing tanks and war material after America was attacked though he was diametrically opposed to FDRs New Deal.

Russia dismantled whole industries and shipped them back home. The Nazis acted like blood hounds; they also took apart and transported whole factories back to their realm. On the other hand, America, the so called war monger, provided equipment and food to its allies including Russia. For me anybody who supports a totalitarian regime can absolutely not think straight. A system of government where everyone is expendable if you stand in the way of their perceived progressive ideas belongs in the Stone Age. In reality, I shouldn’t be arguing with this monster. Thank you.

Philip Kobina Baidoo Jnr