Opinions of Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Columnist: Emmanuel Graham Nyameke

No to Lawrence Tetteh’s request: All churches, mosques must continue lockdown!

Dr Lawence Tetteh Dr Lawence Tetteh

The measures given by the president of the nation must be followed suit. All churches and mosques must continue closedown.

In the wisdom of the ministry of health and the first gentleman of the country, some measures have been put in place to control the spread of Covid-19 and protect the Ghanaian people. I must say that those measures of which one of them requires that churches and mosques must closedown are for our wellbeing.

However, Dr Lawrence Tetteh is asking the government to decried that decision. His reason which is not adequate to reverse that measure is that “pastors will sensitize their congregants and help disseminate the precautions to everyone. And that they will pray to God on behalf of the nation for help.”

I bet to differ anyway. That the call on churches not to assemble is for the good of everyone. To avoid the spread of the virus and control it will be best when churches and mosques do not meet.

Again, he claimed that churches will be the best places to inform congregants on what to do and not to do. I must say that this reason he gave does not suffice the granting them the freedom to meet as church members. The information has already been given. The little girl in my village has all the information and following all the measures and precautions.

Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, I must say that I only agree that mosques and churches should meet only when you have guaranteed the safeties of Ghanaians who will find themselves in such places mentioned.

Again, if for now in the name of Covid-19 churches and mosques can be the better places to help fight the virus, why for so many years have these institutions not use their platforms to fight Corruption, Bribery, and many indecent attitudes of many Ghanaians that have been corrosive and destructive and have retarded the growth of Ghana? Why have you not used your platform to entreat those corrupt officers that come to your churches and be a model for other churches as well? Follow the president’s instructions and we will all be safe.

You again raised the issue of “this is the moment Ghana needs prayers.” I admit it. But God is not only a communal God. He is a God who also hears the prayers offered by individuals. I must ask you a question; do you in any way think God is not aware of what is happening to the global world?

Should you say yes then it means that you don’t need to decide for him. But to insist on churches to be allowed to go and pray together then you seem to suggest that God is asleep and that it is your prayers that will wake Him up. But God as I know never sleeps for he has nobody.

Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, I agree perfectly with what Nana Addo, the president of the land has said. Tell all your congregants to rather pray for the nation and the world from their rooms than risking their lives by asking them to gather and pray.

We have one Ghana and one Ghanaians. We won’t risk the life of any, lest we all die.

All churches and mosques must continue closed down. The president did not need to consult pastors and bishops before putting measures in place to safeguard the lives of his cherished Ghanaians.

Take care everyone and just be safe! It will soon be over.

From the pen of Emmanuel Graham Nyameke.