Opinions of Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Columnist: Smith, Mawuli

None Of Ghana’s Oil Belongs EO

to EO

The corrupt organization EO has 3.5 percent share in Ghana’s oil. That is, 2 men George Yaw Owusu and Dr. Kwame Barwuah-Edusei helped to push the Crappy deal we have for our oil in order to get nearly half of what all of Ghana will get for themselves. If this is not corruption then, what is corruption?

The best defense these 2 men have come up with is that they served as guides to Kosmos and, showed them that there was oil in Ghana. This has to be the dumbest excuse I have ever read. What investigations and analysis did EO do to ascertain that there was oil in order to give Kosmos directions? The answer is NONE. These cunning thieves simply joined CORRUPT Kosmos and, chose to sell all of Ghana with the hopes of enriching themselves.

Thank God, Atta Mills won power to stop this criminality. The problem is, after almost 2 years in power Atta Mills has not had the dignity to prosecute these criminals and, get our oil back. If we wait longer and 2012 comes along Atta Mills may very well lose and, the NPP will come back and sell it to these 2 thieves. .

If we get that 3.5 percent back it pushes all 25 million of us to 13.5 percent. This is surely better than allowing 2 corrupt men to enjoy unearned millions at the expense of Ghanaians. For how much longer shall we allow thieves to hold all Ghanaians hostage? There is no way this would go unchecked in America where Kosmos hails from. Have you ever heard of so egregious a deal?

The answer is NO; such a deal has never been signed because the criminality is so blatant that it is comical. No longer will we allow ourselves to be sold by middle men like George Yaw Owusu and Dr. Kwame Barwuah-Edusei so that in the end they become rich while we suffer in generational and crunching poverty. We caught you this time and, you will surely be jailed for the rest of your lives when all is said and done.

If all they have is the lame excuse that it was a gift then, they must take Ghanaians for fools. These boga’s must think we are missing our marbles! Well, we are not and, I am calling on Dr. Atta Mills to FREEZE all shares of EO and, ultimately do the right thing. Namely, put them before any competent court in Ghana and, get our oil back.

If Atta Mills cannot even do this then, he should not be president of Ghana. What is the point of having a president if he cannot even shut down thugs who are hijacking our resources for themselves?

We are all happy that you have cornered arrogant and corrupt Kosmos. Keep it up. The oil of Ghana belongs to all of us and, if you are going to sell my property I want to know who is looking at it. Now, if Dr. Mills was a dictator he could simply do what many others have done and, pay fair market value which would be MUCH less than the 4 billion dollars Kosmos is asking for but, we have integrity and, expect Dr. Mills to find a way to buy it for all Ghanaians.

In the mean time, give George Yaw Owusu and Dr. Kwame Barwuah-Edusei no room to breathe because, they tried to rob all of Ghana.

Mawuli Smith
