Opinions of Monday, 23 March 2020

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Obinim and his junior pastors insultingly dare Kennedy Agyapong to take them on

Bishop Daniel Obinim Bishop Daniel Obinim

When at all will Ghanaians cease putting their trust in charlatans hoping they will take them to heaven? Majority of the present day Ghanaian pastors and prophets are purely crooks and charlatans who have come to rather lead many astray by their irresponsible quest for money and the ignorance of the people to needing material wealth and healing through miracles.

Bishop Obinim with almost all his junior pastors are not men of God deducing from their bizarre actions. They very much fit the status of the con pastors out there to feed fat at the expense of the ignorance of Ghanaians who chase miracles for their worldly desires hence falling prey to fake pastors like Obinim and his junior pastors.

For the attention of Obinim, Kennedy mentioned his father not with intent to insult him but to emphasise to his teeming ignorant congregation that he, Obinim, has no spiritual healing powers from God as he claims to possess or else, he could have healed his own father of his cancerous sore/wound on his leg.

Again, Obinim is wrong to assert that until Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi comes out to acknowledge that all the allegations made against him by Kennedy are true, he will not believe what Kennedy has said about him (Badu Kobi). This explains the stupidity and the little-mindedness of Obinim. Does the silence of Badu Kobi to the seizure of his two cars for failing to pay import duties and his alleged killing of some people and his womanising not tell volume? Is it not said, “Silence means consent”?

Has Obinim not heard that the Ghana Revenue Authority/DVLA have seized two of Badu Kobi's cars for evading import duty payments?

Why would Obinim expect to be punished with plane crash if he had duped a family of their gold as alleged by Kennedy? Does he not know that a plane crash will kill other innocent passengers aboard such a plane?

He had better cease his duties as a pastor because he is completely fake and a braggart. He is rather leading people into hell but not heaven according to his many questionable actions and pronouncements.

By the concurrence with his deplorable actions by his junior pastors, they are as well fake as their master Obinim.

Ghanaians, please let us cease our fondness for miracles, quick wealth and quick fixes to our problems or else, we shall forever fall victims to false pastors and prophets as they currently abound in Ghana to our own detriment.

Kennedy should be decisive and cease dithering or else, he will be ensnared by his own words only to be lambasted by fake pastors like Obinim and his irresponsible junior pastors.

War unto Ghana false prophets and pastors who have made it their intention to cheat people and then lead many astray.

Fellow Ghanaians, please let us wise up to help ourselves and then stop the fake pastors who are simply false shepherds leading their sheep into hell fire like headless chicken. Loudmouth Obinim and his other false pastors and prophets are in to experience the anger of the people and the wrath of God.