Opinions of Monday, 9 October 2006

Columnist: Nkansah, Deborah

Oh, What A Man? Others Must Emulate Him

Some said he should still be at post
Some said he should not be there
Some said he should be fired
Some said he should step down

Whatever it is, a conclusion would be reached and a final decision would be taken. it suddens my heart to see a fine gentleman like this man go through all this. What is it that he has done that is so wrong? is it murder? is it manslaughter? or what? may be we would say it is adultery, i say "we would say it is adultery" because in other parts of our world or even in our motherland Ghana, men get away with adultery.

A man of this calibre who has decided to step down by tending in his resignition letter is really a man of integrity. He has a child outside marriage and he did not behave like a runaway father, but has rather been very responsible by taking care of the child. Many are those who would even deny that they are the fathers of their children, let alone take care of them.

Let no one presume from what he has read so far that i support men who have children outside marriage. No i don't, because it is not right. I am rather enthused by what this man has done, infact this is rare, no none that i know of, i stand to be corrected.

I am convienced, without reasonable doubt, that the New Patriotic Party has real men of integrity and it is the truth that no one can deny. They have an extra vote from me even before the next elections in 2008.

Some would continue to say that the man should not have tended in his resignition letter. Some would say that the President should not have accept his resignition letter.

At long last Dr. Richard Anane has tended in his resignition letter and the President has accepted it. This is another reason why the N.P.P has won my vote and will win more votes from others because the N.P.P. government is ruling wisely and with wisdom. Let all discerning Ghanaians come on board and join the government that rules wisely.


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