Opinions of Saturday, 17 November 2018

Columnist: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD

On the Run: What is so 'competent' about Woyome’s mega-heist?

Mr. Alfred Agbesi Woyome Mr. Alfred Agbesi Woyome

By now, it ought to have become uncontestably clear to the corporate kleptocrats and the political scam-artists and robber-baron backers of Mr. Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the infamous National Democratic Congress’ underwriter, that when it comes to the judicial and legal enforcement of the criminal laws of the Sovereign Republic of Ghana, the Tanzania-based African Human Rights Court has absolutely no edge or supremacy over the Supreme Court of Ghana, our being signatory to the institutional legitimacy of the Arusha-based Court notwithstanding (See “Petition for Removal of Chief Justice Sent to President” MyJoyOnline.com / Ghanaweb.com 11/12/18). There are exceptions to every man-made rule, and the Woyome Mega-Heist is one such exception.

We are told that the leader of a group calling itself the Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability (ASEPA) has sent a petition to President Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, seeking to have Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo, as well as Attorney-General Gloria Akuffo and several others, removed from their posts on grounds that these two unimpeachably patriotic and lambent-witted legal lights have adamantly and flatly refused to back the scandalous ruling by the African Human Rights Court which seeks to blasphemously glorify the indelibly inglorious Woyome Heist, by having the long-convicted criminal culprit keep his stolen properties on dubious grounds that this globally infamous thief may very well have other judicial avenues in the offing to prove his innocence.

Now, two things ought to be made clear here, namely, that either the Woyome Gang has handsomely paid off the patent judicial scumbags who apparently constitute the African Human Rights Court, or these make-believe jurists are too high on drugs to think clearly. Their drugs may very well be both clinically prescribed and contraband. For there is absolutely no way, contrary to the contention of the 11 panelists on the African Human Rights Court, for the Supreme Court of Ghana to reverse its long-held decision to have Mr. Woyome fully pay for his financial and economic crimes against the Ghanaian taxpayer, with the brazen and unconscionable complicity of the leaders of the country’s main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), including former Presidents John Evans Atta-Mills, late, and John Dramani Mahama, and ex-Attorneys-General Betty-Mould Iddrisu, Marietta Brew Appiah-Oppong and Ebo Barton Odro.

Indeed, about the only way by which Ghana’s judicial system could be manipulated, long after the fact, in order to allow Mr. Woyome and his criminal and kleptocratic associates to keep their stolen wealth would be in the highly unlikely event of the even more pathologically kleptocratic former President Mahama getting reelected as Chief Resident of the Jubilee-Flagstaff House. Those who are calling for the summary removal of Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo and Attorney-General Gloria Akuffo need to be immediately ordered by the Supreme Court of Ghana, with the express approval of Ghana’s State Psychiatrist and the country’s Director of Medical Services, to submit to a comprehensive psychiatric examination and the requisite treatment, or have their passports immediately confiscated and these moral and intellectual basket cases themselves imprisoned for life for both their own safety and the safety of Ghanaian citizens, as well as the safety of the members of the global community at large.

And the preceding list of mental basket cases, of course, includes Mr. Mensah Thompson, the self-proclaimed Executive-Director of the Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability and the lawyers representing our subject both in Arusha and Accra. Time is fast running out, Uncle Akufo-Addo!

*Visit my blog at: kwameokoampaahoofe.wordpress.com Ghanaffairs

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD

English Department, SUNY-Nassau

Garden City, New York

November 13, 2018

E-mail: okoampaahoofe@optimum.net
