Opinions of Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

Only NDC terror-mongers are afraid of Supreme Court judges

Is Fred Agbenyo trying to pull off an Amedeka Assassination Plot against members of the Wood Supreme Court, when he arrogantly asserts that “We won’t allow the Supreme Court to be like ‘kakai’ to come and scare Ghanaians and won’t allow Ghanaians to express themselves”? (See “Supreme Court Judges Are Scaring Ghanaians – Agbenyo” Adomonline.com / Ghanaweb.com 7/6/16).

For those of our readers who may either not know or may not have heard about the man, Mr. Fred Agbenyo is described by the media as the Deputy Communications Officer of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC). Mr. Agbenyo’s beef is that, somehow, Justice Sulley Gbadegbe did not have the right to put key operatives of the so-called Independent Electoral Commission (EC) on notice that the Apex Court would not sit duck while Chairwoman Charlotte Kesson-Smith Osei and her NDC-shilling Associate Commissioners recklessly plunged the nation into civic chaos.

Now, I don’t know how old Mr. Agbenyo is, but I would solemnly advise that before he proceeds any further to get himself into serious trouble, he may do himself and those among the executive echelons of the National Democratic Congress who think like him great good by revisiting the landmark SIB Report, brilliantly and meticulously put together by the blue-ribbon Azu-Crabbe Commission that investigated the brutal abduction and savage and summary execution of the three Akan-descended Accra High Court judges. To be certain, they were actually Supreme Court judges, but for the imperious decision of the Acheampong-led junta of the so-called National Redemption Council (NRC) – later the Supreme Military Council (SMC-1) – to abolish the august institution of the Supreme Court of Ghana.

I highlight the ethnicity of the slain judges because the SIB Report clearly established the fact that the Mafia-style assassination of Justices Cecilia Koranteng-Addow, Kwadwo Agyei Agyepong and Fred Poku-Sarkodie indisputably had an ethnic-cleansing tinge to it. We are also forced to underscore the fact that the criminal masterminds of the assassination of the judges were predominantly of Anlo-Ewe extraction. And so far, the most vehement critics of the Supreme Court, among the front-row members of the National Democratic Congress, have significantly and predominantly been of Anlo-Ewe descent.

Other than Mr. Agbenyo, Mr. Samuel Okudzeto-Ablakwa, the Deputy Education Minister and NDC-MP for Tongu-North, has made similar rabidly anti-Supreme Court remarks within the past two weeks or so. This is not the least bit surprising because Mr. Okudzeto-Ablakwa and Dr. Edward Omane-Boamah, the Communications Minister, are notorious judicial scofflaws. The deleterious impact of the Rawlings Posse on the judiciary over the past three decades cannot be underestimated. Even so, these impenitent nation-wreckers and schoolyard bullies had better be warned that 2016 is a wholly new era, and that any dastardly attempt to seriously undermine our hard-won Ghanaian democracy will be fiercely resisted.

Needless to say, Mr. Agbenyo and his fellow political and ideological truckers have every right to criticize decisions and opinions rendered by the Supreme Court, but they have absolutely no right, whatsoever, to attempt to either disrespect or intimidate any members of the Supreme Court and the institution of the judiciary as a whole. It also bears underscoring the fact that the judiciary has the singular role of jealously safeguarding modern Ghanaian civilization and our national cohesion and stability in ways that cannot be convincingly said of the Presidency. To wit, the Supreme Court is the soul and conscience of the nation.

That the likes of Messrs. Agbenyo and Okudzeto-Ablakwa would convert themselves into fanatical surrogates of the Electoral Commission, in the EC’s patently criminal battle against the Supreme Court, ought to give all peace- and democracy-loving Ghanaians great cause for concern. The crystal clear strategy of the Mahama-led government of the National Democratic Congress here is to relentlessly bulldoze its way through a systematic and sustained stonewalling and possible total abortion of the Supreme Court-ordered National Voters’ Register-cleansing exercise. This must not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Not even if President Mahama rather cynically and deviously pleads for the fully mounted EC guerilla warriors to be allowed “the peace of mind” to do what they have been known to do best these days – that is, thoroughly corrupt and rig elections for the NDC bullies and terror-mongers.

*Visit my blog at: kwameokoampaahoofe.wordpress.com Ghanaffairs