Opinions of Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Columnist: Kwateng, J. F.

Open Letter To H.E Professor Mills On Gia Refund

His Excellency,

It is nearly eleven months ago the "troubled" Ghana International Airways (GIA) was suspended by the Government of Ghana. Quite encouragingly, your administration assured the "world" including the stranded passengers that "refunds would be given as soon as possible" Also we were given to understand that the Ministry of Transport was on top of events and a committee of three (3) had been set up to deal with matters

There were two groups of stranded passengers: Group A was those who had flown one leg
(i.e. passengers with partly used tickets) and Group B was those who did not have the chance
to fly, though they had paid for and been issued valid Ghana International Airways return tickets
backed by Government of the Republic of Ghana. This group also includes stranded passengers
who purchased another airline tickets to travel to their various destinations at the time of the

Rightfully so, few of GIA staff retained (especially Mr. Neequaye) and the committee managed to transfer bulk of the stranded passengers (Group A) to Afriqiyah Airways, Virgin Atlantic Airways and other commercial airlines, though few are still stranded in Ghana, Germany and United Kingdom yet to be sorted out.

This letter mainly concerns those passengers who did not have the chance to use their valid tickets (Group B) and are still waiting for their refunds in UK and Germany.

With regards to the above, Ghana International Airways Travel Agents Association in UK has been working relentlessly with the three-man committee to facilitate the process of the refund. However, at this point in time, neither the travel agents, nor the embassies nor any of the ministries responsible for the refund seem to have any substantive information about the current stage of Ghana International Airways refund.

Unfortunately, there is complete information black out.

In view of the above, we believe you will agree that it was about time the stranded passengers were provided with substantive information as to the specific date they would receive their money back.

His Excellency, the "poor" stranded passengers are counting on your assistance.

Yours truly

J F Kwateng
