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Opinions of Saturday, 7 September 2024

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Open letter to Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, leader of the Movement for Change

Alan Kyerematen Alan Kyerematen

Dear Mr Alan Kyerematen,

Greetings to you wherever you are. To simply say that you have served your country well will be an understatement. You have rendered an indefatigable selfless service to the country and the people therein. Thank you so much for being of service to your country and people.

However, hastening to split from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) following your defeat at its presidential primaries to form your political party, the Movement for Change, is a shot in your own foot. You could have stayed in NPP, resolved your grievances with the leadership amicably.

The is the second time you have split from NPP for personal reasons emanating from grief and disagreement with the leaders of the party, always following from your defeat at the NPP presidential primaries.

Please, to be frank with you, standing as independent candidate, you stand no chance of winning presidential election 2024 to be crowned the president of Ghana. Should anyone come from the higher firmaments or the underworld to tell you that you can win the pending election, tell that being that he or she is a liar.

You stand no chance, I repeat. Why then waste money contesting the election at all? Do you think to boost your popularity to stand a better chance of winning election to become president of Ghana in another future election hence participating in election 2024?

I rather wish you had spent the money you are wasting contesting this election on building a school or a community hospital to name it after you. That will project your name and image for many years to come more than spending it on your current fruitless political agenda.

Are you aware that you are intentionally emulating Mr William Ofori-Atta (Paa Willie) who broke away from the Popular Front Party (PFP) in 1979 to form his United National Convention (UNC), thereby culminating in the defeat of PFP?

By Paa Willie withdrawing from PFP headed by Mr Victor Owusu, he broke up the party. By that selfish political undertaking, he unconsciously or consciously facilitated the chances of the People’s National Party (PNP) led by Dr Hilla Limman, winning the 1979 election.

He handed victory to PNP on a silver platter by that selfish ploy.

The bible has the Lord say in Matthew 12:25 that “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand”. Therefore, you dividing NPP, are you not seeking her downfall, thus defeat, come 7 December 2024, same as happened to PFP in 1979?

In your eyes, it may be too late to rescind your decision to go independent but in mine, it’s not. It is the case of the tree being bent, but not broken.

Please, backtrack yourself; rejoin NPP to guarantee the party victory over NDC come 7 December 2024.

You have formed your party in the hope of winning the election to become the president of Ghana. However, as the situation is now, you cannot in a million times win election 2024 to become the president of Ghana, what you yearn to become.

It does not take a good ear to hear so I will end here but not without reminding you of the proverb, “obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill”.

Dr Bawumia and the leaders of NPP are ready to welcome you back into the party with open arms. As the biblical prodigal son was welcomed back home by his dad with a big party, so shall it be unto you should you make a turnabout to rejoin NPP.

Finally, I say to you, Mr Alan Cash, cogitate about this letter in the dead of night when in bed to decide whether to rejoin NPP as advised or not. Pillow, it is said, gives advice.

Yours truly,

Rockson Adofo