Opinions of Monday, 14 March 2016

Columnist: Duah, Ebenezer Opoku

Open letter to Lordina Mahama - Is Prez Mahama afraid of Rawlings?

Dear Lordina Mahama,

Thank you for your support for the work of our President His Excellency John Dramani Mahama.

In his recent state of the nation speech, your husband the President talks about the rule of law, accountability and anti-corruption, about the need for us to obey the laws of our country and to avoid corruption, promising that no one will be treated above the law?

Everybody heard him and he sounded ridiculous!

This is because it has become apparent to all and sundry, that, with the first lady at the forefront, the President together with the NDC national executives and other senior members of the party, have connived to use unconstitutional means to make daughter of former President, Zanetor Rawlings, either a minister of state or a member of parliament or both. One does not qualify to be either a minister of state or a member of parliament if one is not a registered voter in Ghana.

Birds have whispered into my ears that former President Rawlings has demanded President Mahama make his daughter Zanetor Rawlings a minister of state. But with advise from Alban Bagbin the majority leader in parliament that Zanetor cannot constitutionally pass through the parliamentary vetting without her name in the register, taking her through parliament became the next plan of the Rawlings' to hold on to power. The President and the first lady have therefore pledged their support to the Rawlings family for their inordinate quest to vainly remain politically relevant in Ghana.

Your Excellency the first lady has never hidden you and your husband's massive support for the 'hook or crook' entrance of Zanetor Rawlings into parliament or into government. We know that your family supported her financially in the campaign lading to her election as Klottey Korle NDC parliamentary candidate and you continue to show open support to Zanetor against the court case challenging the legality of her election last year as parliamentary candidate without a voters ID card.

At public state functions recently, state protocols have been broken in order to elevate Zanetor Rawlings to underserving status without any reasonable explanations. No one is left in doubt that you and your husband are doing all you can – including breaking the law - to keep the Agyeman – Rawlings family relevant in Ghana politics. But why do you insult the sensibilities of Ghanaians who have moved on from the pain caused them by the Rawlings?

Many people have said that behind every successful man is a woman. And behind every failed man is a woman. Therefore, the record that is been set by the President is equally the record of the first lady. The first lady has – arguably – the most influence on the President in his decision making.

It is the reason why some of us find it prudent to talk to the President through her Excellency the first lady Lordina Mahama.

What are the FACTS about Zanetor Rawlings:

As we speak and write, Zanetor Rawlings is not a registered voter in Ghana according to the electoral commission.

As we speak and write, Zanetor Rawlings owes allegiance to two countries: Ghana and Ireland. She bears both Ghanaian and Irish passport. Where is Zanetor's allegiance?

As we speak and write, Zanetor Rawlings is a registered voter in Ireland but not in Ghana.

As we speak and write, Zanetor Rawlings is not an active member of the NDC party in the Klottey Korle constituency because she does not have a biometric party ID card because of the lack of a national voters register.

As we speak and write, Zanetor Rawlings has violated all the party guidelines that used in the conduct of the NDC primaries of 2015.

As we speak and write, the court has ruled that Zanetor Rawlings has a case to answer. And hearing has been adjourned to this week. Therefore, anybody who believe in the constitution must wait for the ruling of the court. What do we see? The first lady Lordina Mahama is publicly showing solidarity with Zanetor Rawlings and mocking the courts who are yet to rule on the matter. Does the first lady think that her actions will intimidate the judge hearing the case against Zanetor?

So the first lady is prepared to intimidate the judiciary just to please Rawlings? Does she think the Judiciary and Ghanaians have forgotten the brutal cold blooded murder of the three high court judges under the Rawlings regime? Or is the first lady confused about the political history of this country?

With all these odds against her, any person who truly believes in participatory democracy and the rule of law must denounce this hook and crook approach to entering public office by the Rawlings family. The President of the republic of Ghana and the first lady of the republic of Ghana should be the last persons to demonstrate a personal fear for any particular group, clique or individual family of power. Otherwise, we cannot be save with him as commander – in – chief of the Ghana armed forces.

Why, Is it because J.J Rawlings and Nana Konadu Agyeman - Rawlings came to power through the barrel of the gun from June 4 1979, shot people including former heads of state, seized private businesses and properties for themselves ruled for nineteen (19) years and put indemnity clauses in the 1992 constitution to avoid accountability to the people, therefore, Zanetor Rawlings their daughter can also wake up on June 3rd 2015 and suddenly on the back of a natural disaster that claimed lives, saw the opportunity to run for public office regardless of whether or not she is constitutionally and morally qualified and justified to do so? Like history repeating itself? How romantic! If the Rawlings family thinks we are living in 1979, they must have to think again!

But as if that that is not enough, Mr. Rawlings and his wife has managed to get your excellency the President and first lady's open endorsement and massive support to this constitutional and moral corruption. This is totally shameless and insensitive to we the people. This is where the people of Ghana have been taken for granted by the President and his wife who seem to want to take every opportunity to showcase her support for the Rawlings child in public.

Whether it is they break the law, they endorse corruption or whatever it takes to please the Agyeman – Rawlings family, the Mahama's seem to be very determined to stand by the Rawlings'. No wonder Zanetor's mother Konadu Agyeman – Rawlings continually tells the Ghanaian public that President Mahama is corrupt. Perhaps she knows for a fact.

Your Excellency the first lady must know that the Ghanaian people voted for her husband President John Mahama to uphold and defend the constitution of Ghana and not to break it to please President Rawlings whose time and relevance in the politics of Ghana has completely diminished.

The first lady Lordina Mahama must also know that this misbehaviour of openly endorsing corruption through her open association with the court beleaguered Rawlings daughter over her illegibility to run for parliament despite not being a registered voter in Ghana, is a tacit confirmation of all the corruption allegations against the NDC/John Mahama government including AMERI scandal, Smattys buss branding scandal, Woyome gate, Brazilian helicopters corrupt deals etc. she must therefore know the damage is doing to her husband.

Madam first lady, the people of Ghana are watching your open endorsement of illegality. It has buttressed the point of gargantuan corruption allegations made against this very NDC government of President Mahama by former attorney-general Martin Amidu. We know the first lady is pretending to be supporting Zanetor Agyeman - Rawlings purportedly to promote women empowerment etc. That is for those who do not understand her gimmicks!

I find it absurd that in her quest to empower women in Ghana, the first lady Lordina Mahama will endorse corruption such as a gh3.1m bus branding corrupt deal that went to Smattys owned by a young woman who is prepared to break the law to steal from the state.

Today, Selassie Ibrahim is walking scot free and being asked to refund a paltry sum without any criminal prosecutions etc.

Now, again the first lady is openly disrespecting the rule of law and the courts by openly rooting for Zanetor Agyeman – Rawlings to go into parliament without a basic voter ID card. People are being bribed left right and center to compromise them to support Zanetor's illegal entry into parliament.

Nii John Coleman, who went to court as a co-plaintiff with MP Nii Armah Ashietey has been bribed and intimidated to bow out shamefully without a reason. He has suddenly taken himself out of the suit because of the undue influence of the powers that be.

Is this the first lady's concept of women empowerment?

If it is, then it is a shame to have such a first lady! But does the first lady understand that her behaviour is negatively reflecting directly in the performance of her husband's work as President? I guess the sycophants surrounding her will tell her that she is performing so well. But if what is going on in Ghana is so well, then, I don't want to be a part of it!

Madam First lady Lordina Mahama, open your eyes, help your husband build his own legacy and stop pushing your husband to worship and continue to feed a personality cult with J.J Rawlings. The Ghanaian people don't care about the maintenance of a one family hegemony in Ghana. The Ghanaian people don't want corruption. This is the great opportunity for the President to show leadership by keeping himself and his family above reproach. Caesar's wife, they say, must be above suspicion. Can same to said of Mahama's wife?

With a few months to elections, corruption remains the key electioneering issue for the electorate. The first lady rather than engaging in and sponsoring campaigns against corruption to dispel the perception of massive corruption in the Mahama administration, she is rather engaged in, sponsoring, and openly endorsing and supervising corrupt deals, as if she knows that her husband the President is losing power in 2016 and therefore wants to accumulate all the booty before it's too late!

The family and friends government that Alban Bagbin the majority leader talked about recently has been proven to be true by the open misbehaviour of the first lady. The first lady who is prepared to break the law for her friends and family and those she adores, cannot continue to call herself mother of the nation.

But just like Mr. Rawlings who has become a puppet of his wife during nineteen (19) years in power, Mr. Mahama seemed to have succumbed to his wife's manipulation so early under barely eight (8) years.

We now hear that after the EC disclosed that Zanetor Rawlings is not a registered voter in Ghana, her sponsors are now moving to apply to the electoral commission for her to be registered after the fact. Why must people go to these lengths just to please Mr. Rawlings? IIs it because Mr. Rawlings and his family are above the law? Does President Mahama fear that Rawlings will contribute to taking him out of power in December if he (Mahama) does not make Zanetor part of his government? Did former President Rawlings campaign for President Mahama in 2012? No!

So what is Mahama's fear? What is Lordina's fear of the Rawlings' that even when Nana Konadu Agyeman – Rawlings Zanetor's mother has said President Mahama is a thieve and a corrupt man, the first lady is still trying so hard to please the Rawlings family. Why?? Is it the case of an inferiority complex on the part of the overbearing first lady Lordina Mahama? Or is it the case of a corrupt President Mahama and his corrupt wife Lordina Mahama who does not want to be exposed by a corrupt former President Rawlings and his family; therefore must do all that is possible to keep Mr. Rawlings Mute?

We the people are watching the steps of all those perpetuating this Rawlings hegemony. We have now been exposed to the glaring facts that Rawlings and his family will forever try to break the law in Ghana so long as it benefits his family and as long as they can get away with it.

We also know that when Rawlings talks about corruption, it is all because he is corrupt and knows it too well. When Rawlings talks about integrity in public office, he is lamenting his own lack of worth in terms of probity and accountability not only as a head of state but also as a former head of state. A true statesman will not break the same constitution that he signs into effect just to profit and personally benefit his family.

It is obvious, that Rawlings and his family do not feel any remorse for the senseless killings and illegal private business seizures and the stealing of state enterprises during his family's regime. Today, in 2016, Mr. Rawlings still thinks his family deserve to be part of the Ghana government without following the queue because they are above the law? Or maybe they think they are a special superior family because they have white man blood?

This is a complete illusion but it is even sadder that our First lady Lordina Mahama has misguided her husband the President John Dramani Mahama into bowing to that illusion of personality occultism! Former President Rawlings can never maintain President Mahama in power but the we the people. so listen to the people and stop trying to be a puppet of the Rawlings family.

The Courts will speak. The good and honourable Judge will not bow to such irrational illusions because the courts knows that Ghana has moved on from the culture of fear for one man!

Yours truly,

Ebenezer Opoku Duah

Columnist & political observer (Obuasi) 0234159692