Opinions of Saturday, 25 July 2020

Columnist: A. Dodoo

Open letter to the Ambassadors of UK, France, Germany based in Ghana

British High Commissioner to Ghana, Iain Walker British High Commissioner to Ghana, Iain Walker

First of all, allow me to address you all accordingly, His/Her Excellency US Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana, His/Her Excellency French Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana, His/Her Excellency German Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana and last but not the least His/Her Excellency British High Commissioner to the Republic of Ghana, it surely isnt an honor to have had to result to this, but for blatant abuse of power and the threat that the posture of the current government of Ghana is to our democracy.

Ghanaians witnessed the speed with which your respective governments took to rush into Ghana to usher in this crop of corrupt politicians who you all know was not ready to govern but was ready to amass wealth lost in the two failed attempts to win an election in Ghana.

Today, your various governments have stood by and watch how mother Ghana is being raped on all fronts under the guise of the 419 slogan — Ghana Beyond Aid, with a family and friends led government that do NOT seek the welfare of the average Ghanaian., because indeed your benefits to our natural resources ie Minerals/Farm-Lands is much more important to your economies than the livelihood of perhaps any African. But in an era of awakening, the young African is no longer timid and willing to stand in the shadows and wait for crumps. Africans are becoming more and more educated on all fronts and are able speak to power, because OUR LIVES MATTER.

Africans have become aware of all the monitoring and data collection your respective governments undertake , and more specifically your unseen influences that empower tyrants across the continent , to which the current President of the Republic of Ghana is no different. Our democracy is being tested under this government, because its shown itself as a more authoritative seat of government as opposed to a government that truly listens to the voice of its people.

The relevant opposition parties in Ghana, have all tooted concerns about the bullyish posture of this government that does not seem to believe in the rule of law, and in some cases these Political Parties have written letters/petitions to your various Embassies in Accra, to highlight the very concerns that this open letter is addressing. The people of Ghana deserve a listening ear of your governments, because your inactions could lead to the very chaos that many Ghanaians both home and abroad would like to avoid.

2020 has been a challenging year and with our elections around the corner, Ghanaians are witnessing an unprecedented abuse of power, that could tilt the peace of our Republic, and the men and women in power feel themselves invincible to the truths and realities that surround them. This dangerous posture could see your investments in Ghana go up in flames, and if thats what your respectives governments want to see happen so you can eventually enslave us the more, then indeed Ghanaians must understand the role you all played in ensuring the destruction of the beacon on African democracy known to the world.

Finally, l call on the Council of Elders, House of Chiefs, Religious Leaders and every Ghanaian alive today to understand that the American Government, the French Government, the German Government , the British Government and the Government of the Netherlands are all fully aware the tilt being created to disrupt the peace of our beloved country, and would they step up to the plate as equal partners because our lives do matter to them is yet to be seen.

May God bless our homeland Ghana.