Opinions of Thursday, 28 April 2016

Columnist: Samuel Kwakye Koduah

Our attitudes is killing Ghana

Ghana is a country which is highly blessed with a whole lot of minerals and other commodities as well. We are among the nations which has almost everything, talking of Gold, timber, cocoa and many more, ? but yet still we are among the poor countries in the world.

Our attitudes and mind set don't allow us to exploit into what we have as a nation and make good use of them. Everybody seems to be comfortable in his or her comfort zone so what we do best is making unnecessary comments on almost everything we hear. The saddest aspect is after making all these comments, we don't see any positive impact out of it.

What we lack as serious citizens of a nation is self-development. Majority of Ghanaians don't make efforts of developing the self. This has caused us to be moved by irrelevant stuffs, shallow mind sets, corruption and many others.

Due to this most Ghanaians are being manipulated by these political leaders, religious leaders, western impact on society and other negative impacts. The question is, will a well-developed person be moved by false doctrines and preaching in the society? ?

If we don't begin to upgrade ourselves as Ghanaians, no amount of wealth will be worthy for us. In so doing we will be able to make the right choice of governments, work so hard to change our society and stop disturbing God with prayers, and last but not the least install the right people at the right places to work for positive development.

We the citizens should have in mind that, no matter how wealthy you are today, you can go poor tomorrow and so we have to invest in more asserts to secure our country's future for our benefits and that of the young coming ones rather than trying to fish all the money's into our pockets today.

Let's begin to invest in ourselves and in so doing any person who stands before us to address us as a nation, one body will be very cautious of the choice of words and also after being given the power to rule, we will have the best results.