We have come home from a “bloody war” and with sunken hearts. There is no disguising by whatever means and in whichever way the extent of this debacle. We managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
We must not and cannot assign to this ignominious defeat any redeeming qualities and attributes of an iota of victory as some apologists are wont to do.
We must all come to the stark and painful realization, especially the authors of our calamity, that only hard work and heavy lifting lies ahead of us if we are to rise up and rebuild as we must. As Wiston Churchill profoundly put it, it is going to require of us, “blood, toil, tears and sweat”, nothing less will do. It must be a satisfaction for all of us in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to affirm to ourselves that our Party shall be saved.
We are all too familiar with the harrowing reasons and general conditions that has led us to this defeat, but at this moment it is less necessary to dwell on their causes than to apply their remedy rapidly. When the edifice is on fire, we should not join those who rush to throw fuel on it and steal the furniture. We should join hands in extinguishing the flames. We do not have a moment to spare in saving our Party from ruin.
Are we going to rebuild to full strength? If we no longer desire it, let us perish, but if we desire to rise from these burning embers, then now is the time to summon the better angels in us, our full energies and all the goodwill of our members and supporters to the urgent task at hand.
We must, by firm and iron resolution, gather ourselves together. Otherwise, we will give our opponents opportunity and time to deploy their machinations and diabolics against us and cause further discouragement within our ranks.
Can anyone conceive of a greater objective of our opponents, given the originality of their malice and ingenuity of their aggression, to sink our Party? Everywhere around us, our nemesis in green surrounds us hoping to drown us into oblivion.
They will try hard but they will fail. They will be frustrated in their task. Our tenacity of purpose and undying love for our party provides a sure basis upon which practical and reassuring thoughts and plans may rest.
Let us not disguise from ourselves the fact that we bear a serious and grave and solemn burden of duty to rebuild and save our party for the service of Ghana and posterity.
However difficult we may find this task, we must raise our hands, our hearts and our voices together in unison. We must do this to preserve the future of our Party itself. Our Party has a formidable foundation in the conscience of our people, and that is our source of strength.
Therefore, we must not at this point ponder or talk about holding on or maintaining our position. We must from this day forward charge full steam ahead like an army hungry for victory.
What will be required of us all in the deliverance and rebuilding of our Party to full strength? – unity, valour, perseverance, perfect discipline, faultless service, resources, skills and an unalterable fidelity.
These are the tools and attributes that we all must give to the task. We are all gifted in at least one of these requirements by God for the benefit of our party, country and humankind.
None of these is too big or too small to be deployed in the service of our Party. Remember that they also serve, those who stand and wait. Everyone of us matter in this task of rebuilding. It is in bringing all of these together that will create our unity of purpose and bond us around our values and principles into a stronger fellowship.
The outcome of the 7th December, 2024 elections, very largely and for the time being, cast back and disturbed our forward march to progress. This, however is an opportunity for us all to stand together for the Party we love.
Let our measureless and ceaseless efforts in these difficult times represent the best stance ever witnessed in the defence of our Party and its tradition. In comparison to past efforts, let even those brave efforts fall back into the distant and prosaic.
I have full faith and confidence that if we all do our duty, if nothing is neglected and if the best arrangements are quickly made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend and rebuild our Party into a solid political force for all time.
Together we cannot fail.