Opinions of Sunday, 22 April 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

PP will Suffer Collateral Damage because of Kennedy Agyapong

– says Kwesi Pratt

Pretentious Ghanaian political pundits are emerging from the woods to pass all sorts of comments about Hon. Kennedy Agyapong's recent on-air vituperations that culminated in his temporary incarceration. Paramount among such capricious-minded NDC sycophant-pundits is Mr Avaricious Kwesi Pratt of the Insight Newspaper.

Kwesi Pratt in his vain attempt to score cheap political points for his NDC paymasters portrayed Kennedy Agyapong as an albatross on NPP. He compared the effects of Kennedy's desperation statements made on air in the studios of Oman Fm to that of Victor Owusu's. Mr Victor Owusu was once the Attorney General of Ghana under Prime Minister Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia. He was also an elected flag-bearer for Popular Front Party (PFP), now NPP. He alleged the Voltarians are inward looking. Our compatriots from the Volta region took him out of context and never forgave him although he offered a remorseful apology and unreservedly retracted that unfortunate demeaning statement.

Mr Pratt cunningly sought to capitalise on Kennedy's supposed ill-fated statements to achieve three things. He wanted to open up warts by reminding the Voltarians of similar precedent that cost Victor Owusu the elections and hence, the presidency. Subsequent upon Kennedy's misinterpreted clarion call for justice, Kwesi Pratt wants to use it to manipulate the Voltarians to punish the NPP and Nana Akuffo-Addo. Furthermore, he wants to avenge the threats of death he alleges Kennedy issued to him in a radio studio during the reign of Former President Kufuor. Lastly, he wants to ensure the successful re-election of the NDC come December 7, 2012 to continue to draw his hefty salary. I understand he draws a monthly US Dollar-salary simply by hopping from one radio station to another misinforming the public in his dubious attempts to sell the NDC in spite of their never-ceasing perpetration of gargantuan corruption, mediocrity and incompetence.

However, Kwesi Pratt's mischief at indirectly celebrating the sufferance of Kennedy and the NPP through his absurd statements and comments will not wash. He behaves shamefully like an insane person roaming about the streets of Accra, moving from one radio station to another spewing his NDC garbage. What difference is there between this man and any human prostitute jumping from one customer's bed into another's? Is he not a human butterfly jumping from flower to flower sucking the flower's nectar? I would like to bring to his knowledge an adage that says, "Do not open up warts because they hurt" or "let the sleeping dogs lie" Why is Kwesi Pratt gleefully revisiting done and dusted incident.

He was asking the NPP to distance or disassociate themselves from Kennedy's statement in order not to suffer collateral damage, as did PFP in Victor Owusu's era. Who at all appointed this double-standard self-styled political intellectual to lecture NPP let alone Ghanaians on morality and political principles? Is he not actually a complete opportunist seeking easy wealth by aligning himself inseparably with the NDC irrespective of all their obvious criminalities and shortcomings?

Kwesi Pratt had better advise his employer, the NDC, to compel Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the swindler self-styled NDC financer to refund to the State the over GHC51 Million he connived with NDC to steal from Ghana. No matter what diversionary tactics Mr Pratt and the NDC resort to, Woyome will vomit the money so voraciously swallowed same as a hungry snake called "Panpansrada" gulps down stolen eggs.

I assure all Ghanaians that not only the NPP but also, the entire country stand to benefit because of Kennedy Agyapong. Is he not the one who has brought to light the deal the NDC and Woyome cut to steal money from Ghana to finance their party? Is he not the one bringing to the public domain all the dubiously effected judgment debt payments by the NDC to known and unknown persons for no job done? His sins pale completely before his good acts.

I pray my compatriot Voltarians will not allow anyone to manipulate them for they selfish greed based on Kennedy Agyapong's statements. After all, his wife and children are origins of Volta region. How then can he hate or honestly call for the persecution or annihilation of the tribe from which he has his family? You should all join us to blame Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye and President Mills for the election tension facing the country. President Mills is unfortunately not up to the task of managing the nation. He is the captain of the ship yet is fast asleep on the oars. The ship is sinking but he cannot see, cannot hear and cannot feel.

Which of these two persons, Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye or Kennedy Agyapong, is a terrorist, if at all anyone of them is? If I compare the reality as ascertained from what is happening on the ground as is pertained at Odododiodoo, I will personally go for Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye as the devil incarnate.

Rockson Adofo