Opinions of Wednesday, 31 December 2003

Columnist: Kennedy, Peter k.

Personal Observation in Ghana

My name is Elder Peter k. Kennedy. I am the presiding Elder of the church of Pentecost in Boston, MA USA. I am writing to contribute to the current socio-political development in Ghana. I have been in the United States for 10 years after my national service at Sandema in the upper west district in Ghana. I recently paid a visit to Ghana and that was November 8th to December 8th 2003.

There were few things I noticed in Ghana of which I want to pass some few comments. I want to commend the NPP administration for the good work they are doing. I saw among other things Tete Quarshie circle and the airport being developed. There was also freedom of speech "kabi ma me nkabi."

My problem was automobile emissions. I am referring here to carbon mono-oxide. I am not a scientist but every average person knows that carbon mono-oxide can cause cancer, asthma and other respiratory problems to the entire population in Ghana and beyond since we live in a global village. My enquiry led me to believe that people can just sit home and get their automobiles pass inspection without the inspection entity seeing the autos.

There was also the same corruption attitude on the part of some workers who usually setup in a form of a bait through delays. I went to the pension house to pay my student loan. I am referring to the loan that I took when I was at the university of Ghana, Legon. There was this one Quansah at the pension house who gave me a tough time the usually delays before I could pay my loan of 140,115.01 with receipt number 478595740.

I did not go to this office to demand "service" but just to pay what I owed but this gentle man delayed me at his desk for about one hour. My suspicion was that he was looking forward for me to "put weight" on my request. After demanding to speak to his boss he immediately processed my request.

In conclusion I want to say that if Ghana can stamp out corruption our development will be accelerated. In any case, I want to speak prophetically that Ghana shall live to her true creed of freedom and justice and that Ghana shall be the black star of Africa.

Thanks for the space on your web site.
Elder Peter k. Oppong, C.O.P
Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A.

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