Opinions of Friday, 7 December 2007

Columnist: Edusei, Eric Kwabena

Please, Stop The Ashanti/Ewe Internet Bashing

The historical development of nation states on the globe have proved that we can not develop as a nation unless we condition ourselves to be able to engage each other in a more civilized and logical manner since it is through this metamorphosis that we can harness reasoning in the market of ideas for our leadership and our development accordingly . Hatred and spite which have dominated the thinking and behavior of most Ghanaians can not guarantee growth. Contrarily, they can at best destroy us as a people denigrating us the opportunity to develop as a nation notwithstanding our immense human and natural recourses.

Ghana is what it is because of our inability to accommodate each other and function as a group. Our development, historically, has been slow compared to other nations because we can not function with a free conscience without introducing the politics of tribalism and sectionalism. What we are as Ghanaians is the body picture of the Kwahus, Ewes, Fantis, Fulanis, Dagombas, Frafras, Ashantis, Brongs, and Nanumbas etc. This is the beauty of our young democracy and we have to condition ourselves to come to the realization that we are one people with a common destiny. Our diversity is a gift from God that we have to appreciate and admire because we come together with different strengths and characteristics.

The current status on internet feuding among Ghanaians is not just a disgrace but very demoralizing, barbaric, uncouth and uncivilized. It is an insult to our culture and an affront to our parental teachings. Hatred which we have exhibited lately through our comments on the internet is an abominable behavior which undermines our potential to grow as a nation. It is a character trait which is not only ungodly and but also denigrate us as Ghanaians the chance to get best from our potentials. We are nothing short of hypocrites when we go to Church as usual every Sunday and simultaneously perpetuate these hideous acts of hatred on a daily basis. Shame on all those who are involved in these senseless and indecent acts.

I am not advocating for unconditional love among Ghanaians but unity of purpose and ideas for the remolding and rebuilding of our nation. It is therefore imperative that we engage each other in a civilized and mature way epitomizing cultured people and qualities that identify us as Ghanaians. It is true that we can not be on the same page on every issue yet it is still our responsibility to conduct ourselves in a respectable way that reflects the image of our parents.

In is important for us to understand that people who generate articles only attempt to introduce a discussion with their opinions on an issue. It is therefore our onerous duty as citizens to contribute meaningfully if we so wish in promoting the discussion. The end product of the thesis and the anti thesis becomes a guiding principle for us and our leaders alike. This is a simple process which does not call for insults and unnecessary insinuations.

Presently, it is difficult to discuss anything political without attracting insults. Why does this have to happen? Do we owe allegiance to our nation or our parties? I believe that we support our respective parties because of their avoid aims and objectives to take care of the country’s business. Don’t we have the right as citizens to question the performance of their leadership if we find them wanting? If we do which I suppose is our civic responsibility, why then do we translate any comment about President Kufour or Ex – President Rawlings into exchange of insults between Ashantis and Ewes particularly. Freedom of speech is free speech about the truth and not an instrument to be used to debase somebody, so let us use this forum (the internet) to discuss the substances in issues and stop attacking the people on tribal grounds. It is getting too much and exceedingly ugly and we have to put an end to it. The Late Bob Marley, the Reggae King said that “when the rain falls, it does not fall in one man house’. We are one people with a common destiny and it therefore make reasoning to learn to accommodate each other in a civilized way, for we either swim together or sink together.

It is interesting to note that the country that we live in (U.S.A) has a simple culture which we all know very well. Every debate has the left and the right which is conducted in a civilized way. People on both sides argue seriously and ferociously, and yet they have coffee or lunch together after debates in the interest and service of the nation. Why can’t we live together in peace emulating this example of tolerance from this great nation that we live in, the U.S.A.

Our Ex-Prime Minister, Dr Abrefa Busia, of blessed memory once said that “If you don’t have anything to do, don’t do it here’, this philosophical statement was displayed in almost all government offices during his administration. In other words, if you don’t have anything to contribute, don’t disturb others by introducing spite, animosity and unnecessary biased comments with ethnic connotations to generate anger. Our Ex-President Jerry J. Rawlings once stated that ‘you are either part of the problem or the solution, there is no middle way”. It is therefore imperative that we function like cells and organs in our body to ensure the growth of our young democracy. If people like us who are privileged to see the best in the world are behaving like this, then where lays the hope in us as the touch bearers? Let us end this disorderly conduct which is a dishonor to our parents and our nation for it will destroy us. In passing, we should remember the old saying by our parents that ‘if you argue with fool, nobody will see the difference” and it takes two to tangle. Let us learn and promise ourselves to be tolerant.

We are the pathway to our country’s development, the hope to the restoration and rebuilding of our nation which demands that we change our mannerism. Our nation is confronted with very serious problems and we need serious minded people to evolve ways and means to get a visionary leader to lead us. We can’t afford to lose any brain on this war path. We were once like Malaysia but where are they now economically vis-à-vis our nation? China has found a way to lure investors to engineer and propel their booming economy .Let us get busy and be proactive in out thought process and stop wasting our brain power. Heaven help us.

Eric Kwabena Edusei. REALTOR, VA. USA
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