Opinions of Friday, 14 December 2012

Columnist: Ashiagbor, Kwaku Kele

Post Election Blues—How Politically Matured Are We?


Events unfolding after the recent internationally acclaimed peaceful elections in our dear motherland leaves much to be desired.
In any human contest, be it political or otherwise, there is bound to be a winner and sadly a loser—the ground rules being known and agreed on by all contesting parties. It is a sign of maturity and good sportsmanship for both the winner and the loser to accept the outcome of the contest as soon as the game is over.

Regrettably this is not the case this time round. In the just finished Presidential and Parliamentary elections the NPP is alleging that there were massive vote-rigging in favour of the NDC Party which resulted in His Excellency John Dramani Mahama being declared the winner. This allegation is contrary to the views of Independent Observers such as Ecowas Monitoring Team, Africa Union Representatives and the local Codeo Team who all claim that the Elections were fair, free and transparent.
Is it not strange that of all the Political Parties that took part in the election exercise, it is only the NPP which is raising a red flag? Does it mean that all their Party Agents or Representatives were either sleeping or went absent without leave(awol) when the votes were being counted and collated?
Did their representatives not append their signatures to the collated figures submitted to the Electoral Commission?
How come that they are not disputing the Parliamentary results where the NDC got 150 seats to the NPP’s 121 seats, the PNC 1 seat and Independents 4 seats? Is it not the same NPP agents or representatives who appended their signatures to the collated figures of both the Presidential and Parliamentary figures?
Please NPP folks, stop abusing the intelligence of Ghanaians.
To think that the very NPP guys who keep boasting that they have the best brains in the country can come out with such unbelievable and ridiculous statements beggars belief.
The simple answer to this is that all along the NPP have a hidden agenda which is that if the election is not called in their favour, they will visit mayhem on our motherland and make the country ungovernable like Afghanistan----as stated by Anthony Karbo.
Some of us who knew the forbearers of the present NPP viz the Mate Mehu Thugs,the United Party(UP) and the Progress Party are not in the least surprised.

The inconsistency and the illogicality in their argument is breathtaking. How come they are not contesting the Parliamentary results where they were well and truly thrashed but only that of the Presidential? Is it not the same tally system that were used in both cases?
Simply put, these so-called clever NPP guys were educated far beyond their capabilities and comprehension to the extent that common sense and logical reasoning is foreign to them.
As I write ,information coming through is that some thugs of the NPP are causing mayhem in some parts of Accra and elsewhere. One hope that the Security Services of the land will deal with these thugs appropriately.
The question to ask is who is responsible for all these? Sadly the blame should be put firmly and squarely at the foot of the Leadership of the NPP.
Some of us were so shocked to the marrow when Ex-President Kufour stated yesterday that any trouble or mayhem coming out the election should be blamed on the Electoral Commission and not on --any politician. What a sad and grossly irresponsible statement to come out from a person of Ex-President Kufour’s stature.
To think that this Kufour guy ruled this country for eight good years is rather unfortunate and a sad reflection on all of us.
The strategy of violence and mayhem that the NPP is trying hard to unleash on the country is bound to be counter productive and negatively affect their political fortunes in the long run.
The NPP should realise that in four years time there is going to be another election and Ghanaians will remember what they did and punish them accordingly at the polls.
One wonders if there are any sane and sombre people in the NPP who can bring their party back from the precipice before it is too late.
My appeal to Nana Akufo Addo is to graciously concede defeat and save some of his tattered reputation-----what is left of it.
You have given your best shot, but sadly you were fairly and truly beaten by a better man on the day. The greatest handicap of your party was the long held perception that your party---the NPP is an Akan Party and sadly your utterances and that of your colleagues like Anthony Karbo,Jacob Obetsebi Lamptey, Sammy Awuku, Ursula Owusu and others have all gone a long way to confirm in the Public mind that these perceptions are real and not imaginary.
Just take a look at the top Hierarchy of your party and see how many other tribes are there. Look at the contemptuous way your party treated the late Alhaji Aliu Mahama?
The guy was good enough to be the Vice- President of this country for eight good years but when the time came for him to be nominated/elected as a Presidential Candidate, you folks suddenly realized that he was not good enough as that post is for Akans only hence your machinations for the post.
Well, Nemesis( Goddess of Vengeance) has actually caught up with you , not once but twice------what a tragic way to end up your political career.
Mr Nana Akuffo Addo, you can bow out graciously out of Ghanaian Politics with your head held high by doing the right thing by conceding defeat now but be assured that no Ghanaians blood will be split to save your political fortune.
If you truly believe in your much touted mantra of ‘All Die Be Die Philosophy, then do the decent thing and go hang yourself, but be assured that no sensible and sane Ghanaian will follow your example. Nobody is prepared to die for you. Ghana will not die for you.
Remember that ‘Democracy is a rule of the Majority and the Protection and Safeguarding of the Rights and Interests of the Minority.
Sadly the choice is yours to make.
