Opinions of Sunday, 22 April 2018

Columnist: Stephen A. Quaye

Pride, the chief cause of crimes in our time

Stephen A. Quaye Stephen A. Quaye

When one sit back and carefully assess events currently going on in the world, he will conclude that there is no peace anywhere.

Breaking news of civil strives in nations keep coming in. Reports of youth involvement in narcotic drugs, attempts of coup d’états and many more no more makes life peaceful and comfortable.

What are dominating the news now are youth gang activities, hard crimes that are distasteful and resulting in contracting deadly diseases, disgraced and finally death.

A careful research will leave one with the discovery of the fact that all the committed crimes which are creating fear for mankind are caused by pride.

A book titled “Dealing with the evil powers of your father’s house” authored by a Nigerian Evangelist Dr. D.K.Olukoya, teaches about pride and the dangers it holds for one.

Teachings about pride and how to be humble and respectful at all levels, reassess your thinking, understand and check actions caused by pride which turned good angels to demons and God threw them down from heaven.

God created Lucifer the Greek word is pride simply revealing and likened to something swelling like a balloon. Therefore anyone who is full of pride tries to appear above his level, a simple index of self-exaltation.

It has been observed that anyone who is full of pride tries to raise his shoulders high-clear picture of swelling. Dress abnormally, talks by heart and always doing things which in reality contrast or conflict in simple good things.

Because pride is extremely bad, several other sins are attached to it for example one will not steal if he is never propelled by pride.

Pride gives one a feel of being superior to others or being over priced oneself. Anyone who is full of pride want to take on a stature that is larger than his, begin to feel that he is above others simply because he thinks he is bigger or richer than others.

It has been observed that proud people are always filled with contentions, strife, division, wrangling, vitriol disorder and the like.

When proud persons talk about their academic degrees or certificates, it will make you sick. Some proud show off that they are specifically qualified so they must frame their certificates and hang them around their necks.

Why can’t they show some respect to me? They should have known or recognized that I have a master’s degree. Why should I be grouped with all these uneducated folks? Pride. Why they didn’t put my name on top of the list? Pride.

Some ministers of God even go to the extent of saying “why are people saying faint amen to my prayers?” Others also say, “I cannot use any vehicle unless it is air-conditioned, I know my class. Pride.

Pride has assumed new dimension making it simple for one to feel it is possible to be proud of things like immorality, spiritual gifts, abilities, talents, dressings and many more.

Because of pride our young brothers and sisters are swelling above their stature taking to arm robbery, contract killings, destruction of properties and life.

Proud boys put their panties under their buttocks and walks abnormally. Proud men put on feminine hairstyles and do things in the opposite that results in disgrace, disease and death.

We the present generation shall leave this world one day and it will continue to revolve with new people with different ideas but with the same saying that the youth are the future leaders.

So looking at their lifestyles now is easy to say how life will be on earth after we have joined our ancestors.

Therefore it bestow on us to rise up and change the tide to raise responsible future leaders for peace and order after we have filed out and not be blamed.

Let us help the youth to understand that pride mislead one to destruction therefore the need for them to remain humble. They should seek education in various professions to elevate them to higher heights and not allow pride to destroy their lives.

They should be made to understand that when they are humble, it will kill the feeling to dress haphazardly, wield arms, and use drugs to rob at gun point or partaking in raping innocent girls. When they are humble in fact, they will hate all sorts of criminal activities that will not let our community develop in peace.

We have to let them know that they have the highest opportunity to enjoy as lawyers, doctors, educationists, peace officers, politicians and many more provided they take their studies serious.

Let us act now since time did not wait for Jesus Christ who was sent by God to save mankind from his sins and will never wait for us.