Opinions of Monday, 29 June 2020

Columnist: Thomas Mensah

RE: Eating communion is fetish - Osu Wor-Lumor

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The statement: "eating Communion is fetish" is just a figment of the Fetish Priest's own imagination.

He is not a Christian so he is expressing his opinion of which he is entitled to but it makes no sense to me as a Christian.

This assertion adds up to recent spree of unfounded comments made about salient practices among Christians by people who don't believe the Christian teachings, read the Bible only to map up points for their own interest or misrepresent the truth of the Bible.

There are certain "spiritual practices" which the fetish priest hold dear to his faith and would not allow people to toy with so is the communion he attacked to Christians.

If he does not know I would like to remind him that the Bible has records to proof that in the annals of the church even Christians who did not hold the holy communion in high esteem died whilst it is always a blessing to participate in the Lord's table (1Cor. 11:28 -30).

You don't describe anything fetish just because you don't believe it. If fetish priest would like to know I would like to share that the greatest secret of the Christians' spiritual power is in the eating of the holy communion.

Once the bread is prayed over it ceases to be ordinary "abolo" but a representation of the body of Christ, whilst wine becomes the Blood of Jesus.

The fetish understands the power of blood in their sacrifices and rituals. In the same vein, the Christian who truly knows and believes in what he does in the communion fortifies himself even against voodoo spells.

lf the fetish priest believes it helps his course to communicate with his dead ancestors so be it, but Jesus is not just a dead ancestor but the Son Of the Living God and the Savior of mankind.

Jesus Himself introduced the vision of building His church (Mt 16:18) which began on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). It started as one church that has spread throughout the world.

Africa was one of the earliest places Christianity came to when the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized (Acts 8:27 -39). So all churches have come about as the result of the evangelization of the world by followers of Christ throughout history.

All churches claim the Bible as the source of the teachings and briefs, Jesus as Lord, the Chief Cornerstone or the foundation and the head thereof: thus all believers in all churches owe allegiance to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, does somebody have any problem with that?