Opinions of Thursday, 6 December 2012


RE: Salaga Needs Boniface

On Dec 7, 2012, SALAGA South Constituency will once again demonstrate to the world that they are capable of charting a course to determine their future. They did it in 2008 and we are sure they will do it again come Dec 7, 2012 for Hon. IBRAHIM DEY ABUBAKARI and the NDC to continue with the BETTER GHANA AGENDA CHAPTER TWO.

In fact, we appreciate Mr. Haruna's effort in trying to educate the good people regarding who to vote for on Dec 7, as their MP. We think the people know better.

Mr. Haruna, “leadership is about people" as you try quoting from the Qur'an and the Bible but you failed to appreciate the fact that, choice of the masses is the choice of God.

My brother, it is a shame to the dog for a goat to bark at a stranger. After being in five (5) different ministerial positions in eight (8) years, being the "lobbyist", what major thing has Hon. BONIFACE brought to the people of SALAGA? We are sure Mr. Haruna has not been to Salaga for some time now, please take a trip on the Tamale- Salaga, Salaga-Kafaba, Salaga-Kitoe, Salaga-Kpandai roads, visit the Salaga Hospital and check on their lighting and as well visit the Ghana Fire Service station in Salaga and come again.

In Boniface's eight (8) year rule, he undertook fifty one (51) projects in Salaga as against ninety two (92) projects executed by Hon Dey in four (4) years. "Free info", source: EGDA.

To set the records straight, in 2004, coming from a political party that touts itself as true democrats, Boniface never allowed any one to contest him in the primaries, because he fears defeat. Hon Dey contested the 2004 elections as an independent candidate though lost but left a mark in the constituency. Hence, the need for the great NDC to tap in his expertise leading to the victory in 2008.

In an attempt to express one's view on something, it is good to maintain some civility in our language. With all due respect, Hon Dey is far from what you say he is; talking about personality profile is not worth it. Please the Director positions occupied by Hon Dey before he became an MP. Again, our Member of Parliament is not "Braimah", check it too.

We think the people of Salaga know what is good for them, let no one sit outside to tell us how and who to vote for. We have tasted Boniface as well as Hon Dey, the choice is ours to make.