Opinions of Sunday, 13 August 2006

Columnist: Dankwah, Charles O.

Rawlings, Please Put Ghana First, Politics Second

It has been reported on Ghanaweb that on Sunday July 30, 2006, former President Rawlings spoke rather unflatteringly about President Bush in Chicago, on American soil. On that same day, a delegation from Ghana, including President Kufuor, arrived in Washington DC hoping to sign the Millennium Challenge Compact that will release $547 million free money for development projects in Ghana. It was known at that time that all agreements in connection with the Compact had been secured and the signing was a mere formality. Of course, the only person who had the authority to change his mind and cancel the whole arrangement at any time was President Bush. Unfortunately, he was the very person former President Rawlings chose to ‘infuriate’ on the eve of signing the compact. Yes, he chose to bite the hand that was about to feed Ghana with $547 million. Is this a mere coincidence or a failed coup (sabotage)?

Charles O. Dankwah
Springfield, Virginia, USA

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